Chapter 27

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Namjoon POV

I smile to myself as Yoongi and I walk up to our front door hand in hand, feeling the way he relaxes into my side with his head on my arm as he waits for me to open the door for us, having just gotten back from a dinner date. The last few months have flown by, both of us having eased into things again while managing to also progress with work.

To say things have gone almost completely back to normal at this point would be surprisingly accurate, though at same time, they haven't. There's still days where Yoongi struggles, especially now that we've both begun the process of creating what'll become our debut albums, but it's something he's much more open about now than he ever had been before, a certain level of rawness and openness to our relationship now that hadn't been there before.

I'm grateful for it all the same though, grateful that this has all worked out for the better, feeling as though our relationship is that much better for the fact that Yoongi still allowed us to ease into things. I think it'd been what he knew was right and wanted deep down, even if he was never able to vocalize it or admitted it. He seems happier these days than I think I've ever seen him, and it warms my heart every time, grateful to be lucky enough to have gotten a second chance and been able to work things out with him to be able to see him as happy as he's been.

"Tae, what's going on?"

I'm broken from my thoughts by the sound of Yoongi's voice, looking up in front of us to find luggage near the mouth of the hallway with the younger sat on the couch in the living room. He gives us a warm smile as he stands though, walking over to us while I feel the confusion from Yoongi continue to grow. He only stops once he's in front of us, placing a hand on each of our shoulders, the look on his face giving me an idea of what exactly it is he's doing.

"The two of you have come a long way, hyung. This is your house at the end of the day though, and I think it's time for me to head out. I don't think there's any need for me to stay here any longer, hyung. I don't think you or I have any worries at this point like what there was when I first arrived." Tae explains in a gentle tone, glancing between the both of us. I smile gratefully at this, knowing that it means he feels comfortable and trusts me with being in Yoongi's life again. I feel Yoongi glance up at me though, and when I look over to him I find tears in his eyes with his trembly lips pouted.

"Really?" Yoongi mumbles out when he looks back over to his cousin. I don't hesitate in dropping my arm from around his waist so that Taehyung can pull him into a tight hug, reaching out and rubbing Yoongi's back gently for comfort. It takes a moment before they're pulling apart again, rubbing his hands roughly over his face as he lets out a heavy sigh.

"Before-before you go... I had something that I wanted to tell you." Yoongi breathes out, trying to calm himself down. I tilt my head curiously at this, not missing the way he'd glanced between the both of us. Taehyung seems just as confused as I do though, leaving me even more curious than before.

"I was going to wait till a little later this evening to tell you both, but I understand you probably wanna get going. My manager stopped by this afternoon to talk about the progress I've been making on this album and to listen to some of the tracks that I've finished. I'm set to debut in a month." Yoongi informs us both, causing my eyes to widen and lips to part, nodding Tae's expression quickly matching mine as the words sink in.

"Sounds like a celebration is due, hyung! That's so exciting!" Taehyung squeals once he breaks free from the shock. I just grin and wrap Yoongi into a tight hug, so very unbelievably proud of him for this.

"How about this weekend? We could go out to dinner or do whatever you like to celebrate, baby." I suggest lightly, watching as he tilts his head back to look up at me. I don't hesitate in leaning down to peck his lips, loving the shy grin that spreads across his face as he looks between me and Taehyung. The younger just nods encouragingly, and Yoongi is soon nodding in agreement too.

"That sounds like fun."



A/N: I am soooooooooo sorry it took me so long to finish this story guys 😭 I hope you all enjoyed the story and that the ending was fitting/satisfying enough though 🥺 Thank you so much for reading, love you guys and hope to see you in another story soon!

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