Chapter 6

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Yoongi POV

"Yoongi, please come out of the bathroom. We need to get going soon and we're getting worried about you. You know we didn't let you change in there to do anything more than change." Tae calls gently from the other side of the closed and locked bathroom door.

I squeeze my eyes shut as I continue leaning over the counter a bit, hands clenching the edges of it to keep control of myself. Forcing myself to take deep breaths, I swallow thickly before opening my eyes again and staring at my reflection. As much as I want to cry and demand not to go, I know I need to, the company demanded everyone be there.

Holding back tears, I gaze over my reflection once more, feeling mildly embarrassed of myself. An up and coming rapper, and I look like a soft little baby vocalist. Like someone who could never dare spit the verses that came from me on the mixtape I sent to BigHit that got me the job.

With soft blue hair, I look nothing like a rapper. Especially not with what I've paired with it. Not when I'm wearing gray ripped skinny jeans and a white fluffy sweater.

With a deep breath, I tear my gaze away from the mirror before walking to the door and unlocking it, wanting to get out before I really do cry and end up messing up my makeup. I had to put on some concealer to try and hide the dark bags under my eyes, and I added a tiny bit of eyeshadow to add to the look.

Tae has a worried gaze when I open the bathroom door, and I can see Hobi mirroring his expression as he sits on the edge of my bed.

"So am I getting checked now or when we get back from the party?" I ask quietly, fiddling with the ends of my sweater sleeves. I have no doubts that they'll wanna make sure I didn't do anything after how long I took trying to get ready and holding myself back from doing anything, and I can't exactly blame them even if it hurts.

I watch the two exchange a look though, before Hoseok is standing from his spot on the edge of my bed with a small smile.

"I don't think we need to check you tonight, hyung. Let's get going, shall we? We don't wanna be late." Hoseok responds gently, making my eyes widen as I look up to him in surprise. I can feel the tears forming all over again, but for a completely different reason this time.

It's a quiet trip to BigHit, neither of the three of us saying too much along the way.

"Name?" A guard asks when we finally reach the location of the party that's being held for the new trainees.

"Min Yoongi." I reply quietly, watching him search the list of names before he's giving me a questioning look.

"Supposed to be a rapper?" He questions doubtfully. Biting my lip lightly, I nod. He glances me over skeptically before crossing my name off and letting the three of us in together.

As we enter the room to the party, Hobi and Tae stick close to my sides, but stay fairly quiet as they let me wander around aimlessly. I don't really know anyone here, and I'm not entirely into the idea of talking with others and getting close to anyone.

"Hyung, I think it might be good for you if Hobi and I let you wander around on your own, don't you think? I know you don't wanna talk to many people, and you don't have to, but I feel like there's some people that want to approach you and won't because we're both here." Tae says softly to me with a worried glance. I pout instantly at the idea of getting left alone, not entirely sure that I could handle something like that.

"B-But-" I pout fearfully, still not certain of being able to do this on my own.

"He's right, Yoongi. We won't leave the party, okay? We'll still be here, but it'll be better for you if you're on your own." Hoseok says gently, ruffling my hair before grabbing Tae and leaving me.

I swallow nervously before looking around me, not really knowing what to do anymore.

"Hi there. I'm Dongwoon. It's nice to meet you." A taller but much tanner boy greets as we walks up to me. I give him a small smile, rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

"Yoongi. It's nice to meet you too." I reply quietly, my nerves getting the best of me. He smiles at this.

"So are you a new vocalist here then? I'm one of the new rappers." He asks curiously, a smile still on his face. I bite my lip at the insinuation, knowing this would happen with dying my hair a soft blue.

"No, I'm actually a new rapper as well. I just happened to have wanted a softer image." I counter softly, glancing around the room.

However, that proves to be a painfully fatal mistake as I spot and accidentally make eye contact with the one person who I've not seen for six months now...

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