9: doomed

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I can feel the gush of wind on my face. I can hear all the sounds of animals and even the smallest crickets hiding on the trees. When I open my eyes I was at the middle of the black forest running.

" whoaaa! Where am I?"

"And i thought you are going to be out the whole night? Haha" Kira chuckled.

" what happened? D-did I? Did I shift?"

"What else you dumb? Ofcourse We shifted.. "

"This is so cool!" I squeeled in my mind.

" where are we going? How long was I out? And why cant I control my body? Is it you?"

"you were out for 30mins and yes I was in control" ...Kira said as she stopped running beside a lake.

I held my breath as a I look at the beautiful lake and the full moon that illuminates on it.. it looks so peaceful.

" Woah its beautiful, I've  never been on this side of the territory. "

I look at my majestic wolf reflection standing at the edge of the lake. Kira is an average werewolf size, in gray fur with white fur on the belly and feet, her eyes are glowing yellow gold orbs. She was beautiful

'thank you for thinking Im beautiful.. ofcourse we are beautiful  Ashia.'  kira said in our mindlink

"Thank you Kira for accepting me."

We spend a liitle more minutes just watching the moon over the lake. And
That's when we heard the howl of the alpha.. a sign for us to go back..

As we approach the clearing where our families are gathered I saw the newly turned werewolves in their wolf form just as I am and Kira standing in a line infront of the alpha on the middle. I looked at the side of the clearing where my family was standing and saw my little sister cheering for me, my parents had this wide smile on their faces that shows how proud they are to me.

I urged my wolf to walk infront to get in the line.. when suddenly I smell something nice like cinnamon and peppermint. My wolf walk past by the line. And just before I was able to stop Kira, She was already walking ahead to the owner of those deep blue eyes.

' Kira stop! Kira listen to me!' I said in my mind. I was panicking, all eyes of the crowd went to us as we are now heading in the front where the alpha and alphas family are standing.

'He is mate, We need our mate' Kira says as she stops infront of The alpha's son.

' no.. no .. no.. this cant be happening! Dont say it please.' I said in my mind, hoping that asshole Zack wont say the 'M' word. The alphas family and my own family doesnt know yet.

"Mate" Zack said and just like that all eyes of the onlookers went wide, gasp and whispers are heard.. while the alpha and his Luna grew smiled at me.

'huh..... Im doomed'

TRANSMIGRATED AND REJECTED: so What??Where stories live. Discover now