75. dagger

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"what do you mean?"

" You wanna know why you're here? Its because I was so guilty before that I tried to make you come back here! But what did I get in return Ari? You traitor! I made you live again but you steal my mate... my wolf....my place as a Luna! How dare you!!!"

"What?" I gasped for air as I felt my body drained from blood and air.. I was beyond stunned to speak, even my wolf Kira cannot believed what she is hearing.

"Yes...I am the true Ashiana!" She cried more holding her face in both palms.. I can see how broken she is.

"You- I am- how?"

I was frozen in place as I digest what is she confessing. My head is aching so much. My tears rolled down on my cheeks as memories infiltrate my mind.....

I WAS the 12yrs old Ariane and Ashia was 16yrs old that time. We both still have no wolves.

One day after school, when our parents was gone for rounds. I saw Ashia coming home crying .. saying her mate didn't want her. As she stride down the basement of our house. I followed her as I was worried. she was looking for something.

"What is happening Ashia? Why are you crying?" I said as i gave her a big hug

" He didnt want me he rejected me Ari!" She cried on my arms

"Who is he? He doesn't deserve you!"

" But i love him. I've been loving him in secret for the Goddess know so long. i don't want to lose him. i can't! I had to find a way Ari."

" What way? How?"

She continued searching for something then stopped when she found a big black book covered in dust in which she immediately opened.

"This is it!" I moved to take a glimpsed at the book which Ashia was reading. Only to see characters and letters I don't understand.

" What does it say?" Ashia did not respond instead she flipped the big book and pull a small black double edge dagger on the back of the book. She took the dagger and wrapped it on her handkerchief. The murderous look on her eyes made me a bit nervous

"I need to go somewhere Ari.. we will talk later okay?"

"Sis? What are you going to do? Ashia please stay?"

She just smiled a liitle to me then head on to where she was planning to go.

I was too nervous to leave Ashia alone
That I followed her in secret. She was meeting with a blonde girl shewolf in place a bit far from her school.

"What do you want?" Said the blonde girl.

" My mate I want my mate! Give him back!"

" Haha what can I do if your mate doesn't want you? Who would like someone like you.ofcourse Zack would want someone as good as me as a luna."

"Bitch!" Ashia slaps the blond girl. Which made the blonde girl furious. She was about to attack Ashia.

I rushed to them to stop my sister when I saw Ashia about to pull the dagger. And before i knew it the edge of the dagger was entrenched on my left arm while the other edge of the dagger was buried on her heart.

TRANSMIGRATED AND REJECTED: so What??Where stories live. Discover now