76. died

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Ari? NO! Why? Oh why?" Ashia was stunned to see me...then she cried. The blonde girl run away shocked. While we were left there.

I can feel how everything happened... How my soul was Sipped out from my body through the double edge dagger that connects us to Ashia's dying body.

In a second, I was no longer the one who is carrying who. i am now in Ashia's body. Lying cold on the ground, as blood flow from my pierced heart. I gasped for air as the Ashia in my 12year old body cries and cries saying sorry. And that is how I died in my sisters body.

"You-? You took my body? You killed me?"

"You know I didn't mean it! Itwas supposed to be sienna.. I was supposed to take over her body. She was Zack's girl that time.. he choosed him over me. But then you-"

"How? How did you do that?"

" You know the myth that mom came from witches descendants? Its true. But for hundred of years no one has ever had it in their blood to be able to read ancient witch books of their ancestors..But one vacation day I discovered some witches books on the old house of our grandparents. It was like the dagger and books were calling out for me And right then, and there I knew I had it in me. I can read the books I have the talent for witchcraft. It's in my blood. But mom wants me to hide it so i did. Only I took the book and the dagger and secretly hid it in our basement. I was planning to kill sienna out of jealousy and take over her body to have Zack but believe me it was never in my plan to have you die in her place, i love you Ari. And believe me that I didn't wish for our family to crumble. You were my only sister and the only friend I have, mom was broken hearted after you died thinking I was Ari and you were me. She died in deep sorrow and dad followed. I was devastated and I blamed my self for everything. I left the pack to look for ways how to turn back time so we can be all together again. But when I came back to this place I realized how broken hearted Zack is and how sorry he was that he rejected me. He was living in pain thinking I died. So  I decided to create a potion that would make me smell like his mate. It was not like I was lying because I was really his mate before..  I was the true Ashiana. And Zack and I became happy together left the part that he thinks I was his second chance mate in Ari's body. But who cares when I love Zack so much. But then, your mate came Ari... And destroyed all that we had. He was the one who killed Zack. He was furious when he found out that I was not really you... Then he killed Zack because he found out that I stole your body.. he killed Zack!"

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