56 fight

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As soon as I stood inside the ring, I heard the onlookers stop with whatever they are doing and watch.

Aaron followed and stated the rules.

" Alright, no changing forms, no weapons, no killings allowed. You can fight till you drop or atleast when one submits."

Then he turned to look at Siena with a warning look then sighed.

"Siena..  its our Luna's first time in training..."

"Oooh thats right! Don't beat Luna too hard Si.!!" One of luna's bitchy friends shouted from the side, which made her other friends laugh.

" Alright! I'll try not to break a bone" Siena sarcastically grin

Aaron had a deep sighed again then whisper to me.

"You sure about this?"

" I just nodded my head not removing my gaze as I looked at the smirking Siena with cold eyes.

"Okey," he nodded.. then left the ring.

As soon as he left, the crowd started to cheer.

Siena take off her fitted shirt as if to show off her sexy toned body. She was wearing a white brallet.

"Ooh!" The crowd cheered some even whistled.

And as if a cue Siena dash to my side raining me with punches, in which I dodge using my arms in cross form. I Duck when she tried to throw a flying kick.

A werewolf is fast in speed compared to a human, they are borrowing the strength of their wolves when in human form so its necessarily that both human form and wolf forms are in good shape and has training.

I keep on stepping back and dodging as her assault goes on nonstop. Memorizing her footsteps and moves. It seems she is the type to take her opponent in surprise unwaving attacks.

When she seems to notice that her rain on me was not working she steps back 3meters a bit far from me and puts  a mocking smile on her face that makes the onlookers cheer for her more.

"Si!! Take it easy! Hahahah"

"Give at least the Luna a chance to drop some punches! " Her friends who are watching giggled.

We were both walking in a circle as we looked at each other. I admit she was fast, she threw a lot of punches in just a minutes, though I can tell her punches are loosing strengh as her assault goes on. 

Her weakness is her stamina.

She was grinning like she has all the disadvantages in this fight, looking like a warrior who didnt break a sweat after throwing a lot of punches on me before the crowd. but I can tell she was a bit exhausted.

' are they all blind? she even took back the steps a bit far from us so she can rest. Now...now enough with studying her moves and beat the bitch before I force myself out and bite her head off" kira growl.

Alright it's our turn' i said

I reached for my training jacket zipper and pulled it down revealing my dark blue sports bra, that is full with my perfectly shaped bossoms.

I heard the crowd gasp.

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