35. calm before the storm

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We are now looking at each other's eyes as I try to match his intimidating stare. And I knew from then it was a calm before the storm.

He then drinks one last time from the bottle of liquor which I noticed was now already empty.

I panicked as soon as I saw him taking big steps towards me.

"S-stop!!! stop there!!!!"

I yell over dramatically raising two hands gesturing him to halt. His eyes widen in bewilderment. He was literally frozen in a walking posture.

"What?" He asked with irritation in his voice.

I stand up and defensively avvered

"W-what? Why...why are you heading to me? I already explained myself? Why would you want to intimidate me more!?" I said in slightly raised voice.

With knitted eyebrows he placed his arms crossed on his chest. 

I unconsciously bit my lower lip on the insides when that gesture makes his muscled arms bulge more. It's only been a months since we last saw each other but his body became bigger.

' and sexier.' kira

' and hotter.' me

'and luscious." Kira

' and tempting'. Me

' at last we agreed on something. Haha..Im warning you I can feel Jed is jealous, dont  make him more angry.

kira snigger with our naughty remarks, as I try to make my face show no emotions.

" me? Oh.. and now you're intimidated?  Do you know what time is it now? Its fucking....morning.... Ashia.  " he spat stressing slowly the last three words.

"  and that is why it is called a 'bar club' because it is open at night till dawn. We just finished the exams week and We were just there to unwind  "

I spat back accentuating the word 'bar club' with a 'duh' tone.

" thats right its a... FUCKING... 'Bar club.' With...FUCKING...Drunk humans.. lusting with my FUCKING...damn mate... who was Yet to turn 18 in two months BUT was there drinking night till dawn with.... FUCKING... horny Strangers... which she just met tonight."

His eyes flickered from black to dark blue

"Do you know how I wanted to rip that guy's head? Even Right now I am restraining myself from going back in there and hunting him to death. I had warned you before Ashia. Don't go near any males. You. are. mine!"

He roared glaring at me. His voice changed in a frightening deep voice and eyes completely turned black as he spoke his desire to kill. While I stood in my place wide mouth open. It is the first time I saw him this angry that his wolf Jed was surpassing.

' i told you he is FUCKING jealous.. jed is FUCKING posessively angry!' Kira

' go FUCKING SHUT UP Kira!' mentally eye rolling in annoyance.

I gathered all my courage to stood my ground. I took a deep breath and talked in a lower voice

"Calmed down Jed. Bring Zack back."

He walked towards me and I closed my eyes when he bent down to bury his head on the crook of my neck and inhaled my scent.

TRANSMIGRATED AND REJECTED: so What??Where stories live. Discover now