14. a walk?

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I said in a softer tone hoping to calm him down. we were now getting a lot of attentions from the on lookers. I was not even surprised anymore if after tonights events the story where the future alpha begs for me to accept him again after her rejected me, spreads to the whole community. I can already see myself inside the office infront of the alpha and Luna.

After a few more minutes of trying to calm him down he stands up. I tiptoed as I wipe his tears using my palm..

' this idiot!' I said to myself

'Well that idiot is our mate!' Said Kira

' says who? whose side are you?'  I asked Kira with a frowned

' ofcourse my mate!' she spat which made my head ache more.

" alright we will talk..so stop crying for now" I held  one of Zack's hand  and pulled him away from the growing crowd .

I was trying to get us away from the onlookers eyes, with no sense of direction we entered the dark forest with the full moon as our only source of light. The cool breeze in the forest and the relaxing soft sounds of an owl hootings was making my head cooler.

I was busy mumbling to my self on how annoying this situation was getting at, didnt even realize we were walking almost for 15 minutes now. When I stopped to look back at the guy who was  quietly following me, I realized that I was not pulling Zack anymore, our hands are already intertwined together, literally holding hands, roaming the dark forest. We look like a couple out on a tryst. And that damn guy, was smiling like an idiot teenager having his rendezvous with his first crush.

'Damn! yah! Can this get any better?' I Said internally as i rolled my eyes.

Annoyed, I stopped walking and tried to pull my hands off his, but in a small tug instead I was pulled in closer to him, this freak of a guy did not even budge..

" Let go!" I glared at him. He just look at me with a dangerous glint in his eyes like  an animal stalking its prey.
It didnt help that we are now alone in this dark forest which is making this scene in my mind more like a dangerous  hunt. I shivered at my thought

"Stop smiling like an idiot!.."  with a frowned eyebrow, I scold him lifting my other free hand pointing my index finger at him

Only to gasp when he bends down to playfully bite the tip of my finger, making every hair on my skin stands up.

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