62. always waiting

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I then gave a low growl of warning and disapproval looking at my delta.

My delta automatically raised his two hands in a gestured that says he is hand off. Then smirk at me.

"You are back alpha.. welcome home" says Delta Aaron.

I just nodded to him then dipped my head onto my mates neck and inhaled her scent to calm me and my wolf.

" I am home, my Luna" I murmured after a while.

I felt her body shivered as we both felt the spark while I hug her. And my wolf howled in delight as her wolf kira purred in happiness.

The spark between us has become more intense, a proof that my Ashia had already accepted us.

" Ughhh... you don't have any idea how I miss u so damn much.."I said when she turned around to look at me.

I snaked my two arms into her small waist, and leaned my forehead into her.

" I'm so sorry I was unable to attend your graduation . I will make it up to you baby.. I promised" I leaned back a little to gaze at her beautiful face that I missed.

I smiled as She was looking at me with those beautiful orbs of her with longing and happiness.

And I am not a fool,not to feel it, even if she doesn't tell, even how many times she denies it.

Every time I try to kiss her or hug her..I can perfectly see it on her eyes that she felt the same way. And I m glad I didn't back down so easily every time she pushes me away before.

I did not fret and went straight to my goal. And in four years of wooing her I can say, were doing better than before.

'After many attempts and failure to thaw her frozen heart, I can say we had at least been able to thaw half. right jed?' i said internally talking to my wolf

' I say more than half' he said proudly.

Now She would let me cuddle her, hug and kiss her like any normal couple, the only thing that is missing and that I was waiting to hear is her response to the L word.

I cupped her small face and give her a peck on her red luscious lips.

" I miss u soooo much baby that I nearly got insane for real.. I love you so much."

She just smiled and hugged me too.

She didnt respond again but her eyes tells me more than what her lips cannot speak. And my wolf and I were already content.

'Soon my love, I will wait even if it takes a long time. I will always wait'

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