32. damn hot and frightening

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I bit my lower lip fixing my gaze outside of the car window while Zack is driving in a maddening silence.

After I bid my goodbyes to my friends Zack immediately pulled me to his car. I just let him take me so we could talk alone. Looking at my hand he was holding, I didnt realize I was composing already on my mind how should I explain or what allibys I should tell him.

We stopped beside a black hammer car then he opened the door on the front seat for me, he sighed and gesture for me to get in, which I quietly obeyed. He even helped me put the seatbelt on before he gently closed the door.

I watched him walk to the driver's side, and made up my mind to talk to him once he was settled in, but was jump startled when he closed his side of the door with a loud bang. And started to drive looking at the road furiously.

' he is mad!' Kira said

'shut up! I know I'm not blind!'

I should be saying something but my my lips wont move. He is scary when he is mad. And my instinct was telling me not to make this predator more furious.

I just bit my lips and silently turned my head to look outside the window, as he quietly drove.

I failed to count the number of times I took a deep breath and sighed . I don't even know where we are heading to, he was driving for almost an hour now. This silence is making me feel uneasy.

' and why do I feel so fucking guilty as if I was caught cheating on him?' I was internally reasoning at myself.

'mate doesn't like us near other male, he clearly warned you before'

kira said which made me raise an eyebrow,

' I wasn t even doing anything un appropriate..and why was he the one who should be furious? I was the one who should be angry! we had a deal he is the one who shouldn t be here!

Kira just rolled her eyes.

I tilted my head a little slightly gaining confidence from my internal battle with Kira

' right! I should be the one getting mad at him'

I tried to peep at him in the corner of my eyes, only to gulp a few times, when I notice his eyes turning black and dark blue alternately. His frowning handsome face tinged with redness was looking straight on the road like he was seeing an invisible foe there. His hot squared jaw was still tightening making his veins and lines on his neck visible. My eyes went down his seductive lips, quivering in rage, and im sure he was clenching his teeth inside. The big veiny hands that was holding mine, a while ago was now gripping hard on the steering wheel as if suppressing his rage.

I felt my body shivered at the sight and abruptly turned my head back looking outside the window.

'He was damn hot and frightening!'

I admitted to myself while biting my lower lips

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