85. kira in slumber

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"Are you sure you are okay? You don't have to attend you can stay here and rest" Zack asked for the tenth times

"Love... I am okay. Im doing just fine...I' ve been coop up for two weeks here in our room resting. And beside I will be just sitting there next to you, i promised not to do anything exhausting."

"Im worried you had not still recovered. You' ve been asleep for 3days just  three weeks ago"

" I'm fine.. my wound on my arm was already healing"

He sighed. " You would have been long healed if your wolf was present" he frowned.

We both fell silent.

" She is here, she is still here... just sleeping I can still feel her" I look at him sadly.

He nods  then walks toward me enveloping me in his arms.

" I know love. Jed can feel her also. He is sad buthe can feel She is still there she was put to slumber by that bastard, don't worry, we will find a way to wake her up. To wake Kira up."

I was asleep for  three days after I was stabbed by the king of rogue. When  I woke up Kira was gone...it's like her presence was still there but was gone into to the depths of my soul. She was like put to sleep. Whatever that witch has done to me it seems that the goal was to make my wolf dormant.

A lone tear fall from my cheeks. Thinking about Kira, I missed her.

" The bastard might be thinking he has a chance with you when your wolf is gone and our mate bond weakens."

" He might be forgetting I am hanna.. the girl who loves you mate or not." I said

"Yes my love.... my hanna.. mine all mine"

I smiled as I looked back on the big mirror to check my outfit for tonights full moon ceremony. Zack was hugging me now from my back, being clingy.

" I was so worried you would not wake up, i nearly gone mad. Don't ever do that again. I know you can fight but please Don't ever put your self in danger" he whispered as he kissed my neck

"Im sorrylove... For making you worry."


I took one last glance at my self at the mirror, I was wearing a knee length light gray bodycon dress with long sleeves. I combed my long wavy white hair with streaks of silvers with my fingers, just letting it loose. Sighing as I remembered my sister has the same color of hair.

Tonight we were going to the full moon night ceremony. Ashia who is living in my original body should have been one of the 16 year old she wolves who would be joining the ceremony tonight, getting their own wolves and turning to wolves for the first time..But she was gone now.

Authors pov:

Sorry for the late updates...

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