83. stabbed luna

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I ran towards the rogue king who was standing unbothered with the fights just looking intently at me. I'm gonna rip his head for daring to threaten us.

But before I was able to bite his head off I was frozen in place my body unable to moved. I looked at the shewolves on my side and they were frozen on place too. The warriors outside, was still fighting numerous rogues un able to help us.

My wolf is facing his face with a few inches distance, I saw how he slowly lifted his right hand and caressed my face with love in his eyes that made me feel disgusted.

I growl at fury. He then lifted his other hand covered with the large caped and reveal the black double dagger which i recognized.

My eyes widened,

'it can't be!' I know that dagger, it was the same dagger that Ashia stabbed us with.

"Yes it is! Do you remember this dagger?" As if he can read my mind he answered my unspoken thoughts.

I look at the double edge dagger and notice the white silvered locks that is knotted on one side. It was the same color of my hair. 

He noticed that I was looking at the silver hair wondering how did he got a handful of my hair. Does he have a spy inside the pack house?

He chuckled, as if to answer me he said

" oh you notice this hair. It was your sisters, she... Is dead"

My eyes grew even more wider hearing it was ashia's. She's dead..he killed her!

My fury had me shaking in place un able to move.

" to answer your question , i didn't kill her she killed her self trying to escaped me and dont worry i cant read your mind its just that your pretty eyes are very expressive that i can easily predict what you are thinking. Although i would  very much prefer if you were in your original body, yours was already dead. But don't worry love i managed to save your wolf"

Shock, heartbroken with the news of my sister passing and  confused with what he is saying. I tried to move my body with all my might. His power is strong no wonder he was able to breach the defence.

He then gets back at caressing my face. Talking to me as if he was my lover.

" I had been waiting for so long to meet you. I don't want to this to you love, not when we just met. but this is the only way for you to love me. It is the only way that I would be able to have you. Im sorry"

Confusion was all written to my face along with fury.

And before i knew it I was stabbed with the dagger in my front thigh. He stabbed me!

my body dropped on the floor instantly, when he lifted whatever spell he used to make me frozen in place. I was dropped writhing in pain. It was so painful like he had put something on it that makes my body convulsed.

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