The Most Dangerous Game... Night (A Louie (Fenton) Story)

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WARNING(AND NO SPOILING!!!): Some drama at the end!


Is it bad to wish adventure meant treasure coming to you? I mean, SERIOUSLY!!! Uncle Scrooge had taken Huey, Dewey, Webby, and me to a forbidden temple, I had zero idea where Uncle Scrooge told Launchpad to fly us to! After all, a of the adventures we've been on have been nothing short of predictable, well, mainly for myself.

Scrooge: Come on kids, we're almost there!

Uncle Scrooge opened a wall to reveal a straight path to the treasure we were after. But, of course, there just had to be boobytraps and loose tile triggers! As we walked into the temple, I mostly slumped. Unfortunately, that caused me to walk into a spiderweb without realizing it until it was too late! I staggered and bumped into my family! Uncle Scrooge fell off the side of a trap, luckily there was a vine strong enough to hold his weight. I had just finished getting the spiderweb of myself, Uncle Scrooge looked irritated at me. I shrugged with a smirk; I didn't mean to cause trouble. We all looked over at the trap Uncle Scrooge almost fell into when suddenly, we all heard Dewey whistle. Webby gasped excitedly and looked back at him. He ran at her, and she launched him up in the air above the trap! Dewey caught a vine that was hanging from the ceiling and swung on it as if we wouldn't fall to his death if he let go! To top it off, and it wasn't even done yet, Dewey and Webby started singing in harmony.

Dewey: Dew-dew-dew-dewey dewing it again! We're dewing it again, yeah!

Webby literally jumped off my head to reach Dewey's ankles as he swung! They both let go and tumbled safely to the other side of the trap with a flourish as they finished their song.

Webby: With Webby his best friend!

Dewey: A duet with--

Dewey/Webby: Dewey and Webby!

Dewey pushed in a tile on the wall, the floor of the trap came up to where the rest of us could walk across it. I smiled and started to walk, but Uncle Scrooge blocked me from going any further. I jumped back in fear as arrows shot out of the floor! Uncle Scrooge looked to Huey.

Scrooge: Laddie?

Huey: Step-turn, step-turn, step-turn, dodge-and-step!

They both followed Huey's steps and made it across the trap safely. I nervously started like they did, but then I gave up and decided to risk it! I ran across the trap with arrows and survived! But with a lot of damage to one of my favorite hoodies. I lied on the floor for a moment. Uncle Scrooge ahh-ed as he saw the treasure we had been after. I got back up and followed my brothers and Webby behind Uncle Scrooge. He stepped up to the idol and took his precious time to take it off its podium.


Uncle Scrooge jumped and turned back to me. He smiled and explained our adventure so far, and at this point, I didn't need a recap.

Louie: Bup-bup! Can we just wrap up the "woah," and get to the "wait, what," already?

Uncle Scrooge looked confused at me, so I explained with as little detail as possible for my own tiredness's sake.

Louie: WOAH!: Some cool hidden city or treasure or whatever. WAIT, WHAT?: That cool thing is dangerous, or cursed, or guarded by centaurs? AAHH!!!: Louie almost dies. So, can we please move it along? That's how it goes.

Uncle Scrooge laughed at me.

Scrooge: Adventure is an unpredictable paramour. You've got to judge every angle. No two perilous scenarios are alike.

Dewey walked up to the podium and looked at the idol in all its glory.

Dewey: WOW!

Uncle Scrooge looked over at me, I held up one finger. "Wow" counted. Without thinking, Dewey went ahead and grabbed the idol. The small podium it was on sunk into the ground.

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