What Ever Happened To Donald Duck? (A Wade/Dewey/Webby (Donald/Penny) Story)

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Donald had just crash landed on the moon and Lunaris was shocked and infuriated that this Earther was on the planet Moon. He knew this duck had to be the brother of Della, he looked like her. Lunaris' plans were readjusted due to Donald's arrival on the moon, but he had an even better plan and Donald might have just made it easier for him. That same day Donald crashed Della's rocket, Lunaris had him seized and taken captive. Lunaris took Donald up to the shoulder of his own statue along with Penumbra to make a speech to his people.

Lunaris: Mighty moonlanders! You who were betrayed by our so-called-friend, Della Duck from the fowl and pathetic Earth!

All the moonlanders booed at the mention of Della, they really believed anything Lunaris told them.

Lunaris: Now we have captured a cunning Earth spy, who has confirmed our greatest fears: the Earther's plans to invade us!

The moonlanders started to freak out, they were as fearful as Lunaris was, but Lunaris was much more afraid than any moonlander about Earth.

Lunaris: Behold! The most dangerous threat we've ever faced! The brother of the traitor Della Duck!

Penumbra dragged a saddened Donald up by Lunaris for all the moonlanders to see him. Donald excitedly tried to get up at the mention of Della.

Donald: DELLA?! WHERE?!

Penumbra grabbed Donald by the collar of his shirt and slammed him into the statue. Donald yelled back at her.


Some of the moonlanders mutted among themselves, not able to tell what Donald had said. One spoke up.

Palus: What did he say?

Lunaris lied to make his people fear Earth even more.

Lunaris: He said-- "Death to the moon!"

The moonlanders gasped and shouted worriedly. Donald looked out at the moonlanders and violently shook his head "no," but no one paid attention. Lunaris picked Donald up by his collar and Donald squirmed around visciously.

Lunaris: This my fellow warriors is why we must strike the Earth first!

Lunaris pulled out a special cuff that kept Donald's mouth shut tight.

Lunaris: For we are the mighty! We are the Moon!

Moonlanders: (chanting) WE ARE THE MOON! WE ARE THE MOON!

Lunaris smirked at his scheme as it unfolded right in front of him. He let go of Donald who started to use his feet to push off the cuff around his beak! It was starting to hurt him a little. Lunaris and Penumbra didn't pay him any attention.

Lunaris: Please, this victory belongs to the champion of the moon, Leiutenant Penumbra!

Penumbra looked to Lunaris and started to his side. She did not like to lie to her people, but she also had to follow orders.

Lunaris: She discovered the Earther's plan to invade us, which is why I am promoting her to captain!

Penumbra was shocked that Lunaris would lie so big like this. He grabbed a bage out of his pocket and attached it to her warrior uniform. Penumbra was upset that she'd have to lie with him, she let Lunaris be aware of her concern for his lying.

Penumbra: "But sir, that's a lie!"

Lunaris: "But they don't have to know that... just listen."

The moonlanders had been cheering for Penumbra, chanting her name loudly.

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