Last Christmas (A Sea/Dewey/Wade (Fenton) Story)

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Warning: Sweet and lovey things in this story 😊

While it wasn't an official Christmas Eve "friend party," Webby invited Shayla, Wade and me to McDuck Manor for Christmas Eve! Shayla was the first to react with, "YES! We'd love to come!" Mainly because I knew she didn't want us to spend Christmas alone since "we" had spent Christmas alone "last year" and it was "Really sad." according to Shayla. Our parents had just died in an accident, and I never really bothered Shayla with asking for details since I didn't want to make her sad, or confused on how I couldn't remember. Wade called me as soon as he got a text from a new group chat Webby made of just the three of us.

Wade's Phone: I'm definitely coming! Are you?

I was a little skeptical about going to McDuck Manor for Christmas Eve, but at least I'll know if the episode I'd going in order, and didn't even have to ask about going over! ON CHRISTMAS EVE!

My Phone: Yeah, we'll be there. Are your parents coming?

A little bubble came up on my phone, indicating he was typing something out. Suddenly it disappeared... I frowned; Wade has told me before that his mom is centered more in his life than his dad who works more and doesn't really find time to spend with Wade like his mom does.

Wade's Phone: No. They're both traveling to New Yolk for a business conference.

My Phone: Who are you staying with?

Wade's Phone: Our butler, Lucas. He's pretty much the caretaker of our hotel and me when my parents are out.

I decided not to metion or ask anything else about his family issues.

My Phone: Well, I'll see you then!

Wade's Phone: See ya!


Later that night, we were about to head towards Wade's hotel, when a limo pulled up in front of our house. Shayla and I shared a surprised look at each other and stared at the limo. Wade's head popped out of the top of the sunroof.

Wade: What are you waiting for? Hop in!

Shayla slowly walked towards the limo with her hand's kind of fidgety. She was nervous. I smiled at Wade and got in the limo right behind Shayla.

Shayla: Wade... you travel in this?

Wade: Not all the time, I like to walk so I don't cause a scene when I go places. Most people don't even know who I am so long as I don't mention my last name, which, since I met you two, I now try to avoid being recognized.

Shayla stared at Wade with a confused look.

Shayla: Who wouldn't want the world to know your name?

Wade pointed to himself

Wade: It makes me feel like "friends" aren't being true to who they are just because my family and I are practically celebrities!

Lucas: The feeling is mutual, Master Waden. If you are done chatting for the moment, perhaps you can direct your friend's attention to the limo's many accessories.

Wade: Oh right! Shayla, Sea... Welcome to the Duckson's private limo, where the candy is free, the windows are tinted, and the cocktails are for adults. "Thank goodness!"

Shayla eyed a chocolate bar near her seat. She took it and asked Wade if she could eat it. He said yeah, and she looked out the tinted glass as we rode to McDuck Manor. Wade tapped me on the shoulder, and I leaned in to hear him.

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