Adventures In DuckTales Facts

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Hey everyone, Sealia/Hannah here! Hope you are doing well. I just wanted to hop on here and give a few details and facts about my version of DT17 for your enjoyment and curiosity about it.


So Sealia is me, Hannah is Sealia. Everything Sealia is good at/knows is what Hannah is (I am) good at and vice versa.

Everything about Sealia is the same as Hannah, except Hannah has both her parents and has more than 1 sibling.

I am 19½

I have been a DuckTales enthusiast since the show began. I stopped watching it halfway through the first season because my family got rid of cable and started using Disney+, Prime Video, and YouTube instead. And because Disney was so slow with getting their new episodes/seasons out to Disney+, I was behind on DuckTales and therefore saw the finale after the show had already ended. But it was still so awesome.

For my stories, I use Google to ask about different things from different times for "History" for my stories, I look at the Fandom.DuckTales.Wiki website transcripts for the episodes so I can make sure I'm as accurate as possible as well as watch the episode I am currently working on Disney+ as I type up my stories.


After being a little too preoccupied over her favorite TV show, Hannah is not allowed to watch DT17 anymore except for one more episode. As she plays "Woo-Woo," Hannah is somehow transported into the DTU in her sleep. She has a life there and becomes Sealia May McCallister who is a 13-year-old Pekin duck with hair similar to Della's (often styled in a low ponytail), is Webby's height, and wears a half-and-half grey shirt with tan shorts. She has an older sister, Shayla, who is 20 and her parental guardian since the passing of their parents a year before the series starts. After a girl's day with Shayla, they attend the opening of the Glomgold wing at the Duckburg Natural History Museum. Sealia doesn't get to meet Scrooge or the triplets, but she does bump into Waden (Micheal-Xander) Duckson, the "real" richest kid in Duckburg. He meets Sealia and tries to be his friendly charming self, but he's also a little spoiled seeming too which changes as he gets to know Sealia. After that night, they became friends, hang out, met the triplets, Scrooge, and Webby during "Jaw$", and all have been friends and going on adventures ever since.


The story starts in 2017, the year DT17 came out.

Huey, Dewey, and Louie are 10 at the beginning of S1 and were born in 2007.

Webby is 11 at the beginning of S1 and was born in 2006.

Lena is 14 in this DTUFF, and was made from Magica DeSpell's shadow when she and Scrooge fought on Mount Vesuvius 15 years ago according to Shadow War pt2(which could technically make her 29 if she takes the form of a 14-year-old when she's created. Just a weird thought 😊) which means she was created in 2003-2002.

Violet is 11 when she is introduced, she was born in 2006.

Sealia and Wade are 13 at the beginning of S1 and were born in 2004.

Shayla is 20 at the beginning of S1 and was born in 1997

Scrooge is 152 according to "The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck," making him born in 1865. He also manipulated his age three times in his life: 1 Demogorgon – timeless demon dimension, 2 in an iceberg in the klondike, 3 in an iceberg although it is never mentioned (to my knowledge) where it happened.

Donald and Della are 10 when they first come to live with Scrooge due to an emergency with their father. In this DTU the Duck Twins have lived with Scrooge and adventured with him for 10 years before Della goes to space. When she comes back, she and Donald are almost 31, they were born in 1986.

In this DTU, Fenton is 27 and was born 1990. 

As for everyone else, they are the same to the actual series.


Louie and Wade do not know Fenton is Gizmoduck and will not find out until later.

Huey, Dewey, and Louie were all in the Junior Woodchuck Troupe, but after realizing they weren't as good as Huey, and kids kept confusing them since they weren't wearing their usual colors, Dewey and Louie dropped out. This happened before they lived with Scrooge.

Fenton tried to join the police force at 21 but was too weak at the time to keep up. He became a Detective under his mother for 2 years, then went to college for 4 years to pursue his passion for science. After that, McDuck Enterprises reached out to him after an interview he had with Gyro and confirmed his unpaid internship at McDuck Enterprises. After meeting Sealia he begins his hero days when he becomes Duckburg's 27-years-old hero: Gizmoduck.

Because Huey doesn't have sugar often, he gets very hyperactive when he eats any candy or sweets.

Fenton doesn't drink coffee because he will become extremely hyperactive and it stresses him out, which is why he drinks hot water or tea in the mornings instead of coffee.

Della doesn't drink coffee often but will drink some tea. Only as long as it's a new bag and not the same one used by Scrooge for the past month.

This DTUFF is LGBTQ+ free/straight.

Huey, Dewey, and Louie eventually develop feelings for Violet, Webby, and Lena.

Della refers to her bionic leg as a robot leg because she doesn't realize how much she actually knows about rocket science and thinks she forgets most electrical engineering things. She doesn't even know how smart she really is...

Webby will end up with one of the triplets later on.

Huey is the most like Donald, except he can control his temper more than Donald can.

Wade will find that he has feelings for Sealia despite her being from another universe.

Della is actually very self-conscious and emotional in this DTUFF. She is also extremely cautious about her feelings towards people, especially men. Ever since her ex dumped her (I'm saving her story for an episode), she developed trust issues with people who weren't family. So, having Fenton enter her and her family's life often makes for funny/awkward interactions between the family and her.

Louie is slightly more selfish in this DTUFF.

Della, Donald, Fethry, Gladstone, and even Fenton were once Junior Woodchucks. Donald was a Junior Senior Woodchuck but was kicked out after his temper took more control of his actions as he got older. Della was so close to becoming a Troup Leader but didn't because she never earned her badges for swimming, fishing, or paddling a boat. Gladstone earned his title as a Troupe Leader, but was kicked out when his luck messed up the Woodchuck's luck. Fethry was one of the best Junior Woodchucks but was constantly out on the paddleboat when he wasn't supposed to, so he got "expelled" from the Woodchucks. Fenton became a Troup Leader for a few months, then decided to go into the police academy.

Sealia doesn't really have feelings for anyone in S1 and S2, near the end of S3 she starts to develop feelings for Wade.

Fenton will tell Della he likes her and eventually ask her out.

Scrooge and Goldie (outside of the stories) will eventually be married.

In this DTUFF, Violet has a mom (Indigo) and a dad (Tyler). Violet looks more like her mom.

Della may or may not like Gizmoduck after a while. 

There will be 2-3 extra episodes to show how far Fenton and Della's "relationship" will go.

The secret of being Gizmoduck may possibly ruin Fenton's chances with Della.

Seaila will find a way to return to her universe, but it's in the middle of S3.

For any questions you may have, you can ask me in the comments or privately. I'd love to chat with you <3

God bless!


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