The Depths of Cousin Fethry (A Sea/Huey Story)

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Running from Webby was no easy task; I originally came over to see an invention Huey had recently been working on. Apparently, he was being tested for becoming Fenton's intern. He had to either recreated an invention or create his own that would be helpful to any person. I had been given a toy blaster and was told only two things from Webby: "Run and hide..." With Louie's help of locking me in, I was currently hiding in the TV room inside of the cabinet the tv sat on. Nothing was in it, but weirdly, the board at the bottom was broken off. I heard Webby enter the room via the ceiling. It was creepy, but interesting. She had suction cups that made little to no sound when used. My heart raced as I heard her drop to the floor. She was getting closer to me! Luckily, there was an air vent below me. I carefully opened it, snuck into it without making a sound, and pulled the board over the closed vent. I waited a second to see if Webby would open the cabinet, she did and yelled out:


Inside the vent, it wasn't loud unless you spoke while in it. I covered my mouth and listened to Webby grunt in irritation.

Webby: Man, she's getting better...

It was true! I had been terrible the last 2 rounds; the boys joined in for the first round, then it was just Dewey, Webby and me. Before the third round, Dewey decided to get a relaxing bath. Which left just Webby and me. Thanks to Louie's quick thinking and help with this round, he locked me in the cabinet. Although, that slight snicker from Louie made me think he just wanted to get rid of me so the game would be over. Ha, as if Webby would give up! Webby had given herself a storyline about being a spy coming out of retirement to seek revenge on someone who killed a family member of hers. Mine was a college student who likes to write stories, but somehow becomes a suspect of her family member's death due to a story she wrote about a similar situation in her local newspaper. Webby didn't check the board in the cabinet, she just closed it and walked away stealthily. I exhaled the breath I had been holding in fear. I started to crawl up and diagonally through the vent to nowhere in particular, when I passed Uncle Scrooge's office. I stopped when I noticed Huey running in there calling for Dewey to follow him. I watched them from above.

Huey: Look at this Dewey!

Huey extended his hands out to show Dewey a stump turned on its side.

Dewey: It's a stump Huey...

Huey shook his finger at Dewey.

Huey: Not just any stump; look here!

Huey showed Dewey the detail of the stump and the many life rings on it.

Huey: The vascular cambium displays three distinct growth rings the exact same distance apart. Factoring out drop deformities, this tree Scrooge found experienced three leap years in a row! Isn't that amazing!?

He smiled wildly and turned back to Dewey. Dewey stood there with a towel around his body, dripping wet from his bath. He looked at Huey angrily.

Dewey: You dragged me out of the bath for this?

Huey nodded and turned back to the stump. Awkwardly, he started licking the stump. Dewey was just as disturbed as I was. Huey licked the stump as if that's a normal thing to do.

Dewey: What are you doing now?

Huey: Checking for resin samples.

He licked it even more, stopped to look at it, then licked it with his whole tongue! Despite the urge to gag, I looked at my own duck tongue; I hadn't realized how small it was inside of my mouth. I'll admit, in all the time that I've been stuck in the DTU, there are a lot of details I had never really noticed before until I became a part of it.

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