The 87 Cent Solution (A Sea/Huey Story)

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Uncle Scrooge let Webby and me come to the Bin with him today. While at the Bin, I noticed Uncle Scrooge's allergies had made him really stuffed up; I tried my best to help him. He ignored my constant help to help him get better, saying he was fine. I knew sooner rather than later, he wouldn't be.

Huey: Please Uncle Scrooge, you're sick! You shouldn't be on your feet!

Scrooge: I have to make my morning meeting Huey; A stuffy nose and clogged ears won't kill me.

Webby defended Uncle Scrooge. I stared at her with an unamused expression.

Webby: Yeah! He's vanquished mythical beasts, demonic armies, robot uprisings!

Uncle Scrooge walked up to the elevator and pressed the up button with his cane.

Huey: Which would probably wear out someone half his... "advanced age."

I whispered this last part, but I guess Uncle Scrooge's ears weren't as clogged as I thought. He heard me say that.

Scrooge: "ADVANCED AGE?!"

When the elevator door opened, Manny appeared with a mail cart full of inventions Gyro and Fenton no longer needed. We cleared the way for him to pass. He stopped and clamped his front hooves and asked Uncle Scrooge something in morse code.

Manny: "Where should I put this science waste from the Lab?"

Uncle Scrooge either misinterpreted Manny or was just angry in general.

Scrooge: For the last time, I'm not sick!

Uncle Scrooge hit the side of the mail cart angrily and started into the elevator. Manny tried to fix Uncle Scrooge's misinterpretation. Manny then decided it wasn't worth making Uncle Scrooge angrier, he looked at me, shrugged and started off to throw out the science waste.


The ride up the elevator to Scrooge's office wasn't very long, but in silence, it felt really long. When Webby, Huey and Scrooge reached his office, Huey pulled out his JWG and started reading more about what Scrooge could be sick with. Scrooge walked over to his vault entrance to his money and started unlocking it.

Huey: According to the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook, your sickness could be--

Scrooge closed the door in Huey's face. He sighed, relieved that he couldn't hear more of Huey's ramblings about him being sick. Honestly, Scrooge felt a little icky, but he found it easy to brush it aside. That's why he didn't really care about his symptoms. He smiled at the glimmering of his fortune in the Money Bin.

Scrooge: Finally, a quick dip before my meeting is all I need to vim my vigor.

Scrooge walked out on his catwalk to the end and readied himself to jump in his money. He jumped, did a few front flips, and then dove gracefully into the money with ease. He came up and spat out a few coins. He collected some coins in his hands and played with it. Suddenly, as he looked around at his money, he was mortified at what he was seeing. Scrooge screamed from inside of his Money Bin.

Scrooge: I'VE BEEN ROBBED!!!

Outside of the vault door, no one could hear his scream echo inside of his Money Bin. Scrooge dashed up the ladder in the Money Bin and quickly opened the vault door. He looked terrified at Huey and Webby.

Webby: Uncle Scrooge, are you okay?

Huey: What happened?

Scrooge grabbed Huey by the collar of his shirt and pulled him in close!

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