Happy Birthday Doofus Drake (A Wade/Louie/Goldie (Huey/Della/Fenton) Story)

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Early morning in Duckburg, it was rather quiet. Over at McDuck Manor, Scrooge sat in his office, separating some small treasures on his desk. It varied between bars and coins of gold, rubies, emeralds, pearls, gems and diamonds. He suddenly had a strange feeling that something was not right in the mansion.

Scrooge: Something is terribly wrong...

He stood up and started out of his office, going out to check around the mansion. Hearing a noise coming from Webby's room he checked in there. Inside, Webby, Lena, and Violet were being attacked by giant werewolf! Webby tripped up the werewolf with some rope and Lena held a fish in hand. Scrooge shrugged, closed the door, and walked away.

Scrooge: No, that's not it.

Walking farther down the halls he stopped to listen in the foyer of the mansion. He heard a faint sound of wind coming from inside the mansion. He followed the sound to the kitchen and opened the door. A teapot sat at the island and was blowing some harsh winds into the room! Beakley was grasping the side of the island while holding Dewey's hand as he was being blown near the open window! Dewey screamed as he and Beakley slid closer to the window due to the high winds!

Scrooge: Tempest in a Teapot.

Scrooge shrugged, closed the door and walked away.

Scrooge: Pesky, but manageable...

Scrooge then started for the tv room, peaking inside he saw Della and Huey shouting something to do with a video game. Della wore a bright green shirt with her regular shorts, and though she didnt have her aviator hat, or a headband on like she usually did, she wore elf ears on a headband. Huey wore a toga with a red belt around his waist. Together they chanted.

Della/Huey: A prophesied hero has arrived! A hero who is... you?

They both exclaimed this next part rather loudly and acted dramatically as they did.


Scrooge watched for a moment longer, then walked away extremely confused.

Scrooge: I mean this is very wrong, but it's not this either!

Scrooge started back for his office and huffed the whole way back; at that he couldn't figure out what felt wrong to him.

Scrooge: I've checked the whole blasted mansion! What could it be...?

Scrooge stopped short of reaching his desk when he saw someone sitting in his chair with it facing the window. The person flips one of his gold coins in the air and catches it, turning the chair around, Goldie appeared smiling smugly at Scrooge.

Goldie: Morning Scroogie.

Scrooge stepped back in surprise and looked at her questioningly.

Scrooge: GOLDIE? How'd you get in here!?

Suddenly Louie appeared from the hallway and smiled at Scrooge.

Louie: She's with me!

Scrooge stared back and forth between him and Goldie, completely in shock and disappointment in Louie.

Louie: If you'd be so kind as to follow me, Ms. Goldie?

Goldie smiled and stood up from Scrooge's deck. Louie had her follow him out the door of the office. Scrooge ran after them and whined at Louie while also keeping Goldie from touching or stealing anything from him.

Scrooge: WHY? HOW? WHY!!!!

Louie: Your whole, "work really hard. Make money square," thing doesn't really work for me. Goldie is "make money easy with no downsides," works much better with the Louie Incorporated brand.

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