What Ever Happened to Della Duck? (A Della Story)

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Note: "*" are facts about the following statement/sentences


This story starts when Della left the Earth's atmosphere; she felt excited and energized that when she first entered space, the cosmic storm seemed awesome to her. That was until the auto-pilot function was lost due to a lightning strike. Della realized this was more serious than she originally thought when the steering yolk went stiff and a little unmovable! Della tried to call out for help on her transmitter.

Della: Mayday! MAYDAY!!! Does anybody read me?!

Suddenly the screen on the transmitter lit up but became staticky! Della grunted as she tried to steer and get the transmitter working at the same time by hitting the transmitter with her fist!

Della: Stupid, no-good...

Scrooge appeared on the screen; Della whimpered as his face appeared.

Scrooge: DELLA!


Scrooge: You have to turn back! It's too dangerous! The cosmic storms are coming at you! DELLA--

Suddenly the screen went staticky again; Della stared scared at the controls; she was a pilot, but not a space pilot! Suddenly, lightning struck the side of the rocket! Della was terrified for her life! The rocket was going down, FAST!!! Della did exactly what she'd normally do if this was her plane and it was going down, but it felt like it wasn't helping at all!

Della: Stop. No, NO, NO--

Della stood up and pulled up as hard as she could on the steering yolk and grunted nervously as the moon got scarily closer!


Before she knew it, the rocket bounded on the moon and skidded against its surface! The force of the bouncing and skidding made Della lose her grip on the steering yolk and, due to the g-forces, she fell backward into the rocket living space;

Della: AAAAAH--

She tumbled around and hit the back of her head on the floor with a bang!

Della: AH! (BANG!!!) (ears ringing)

Everything went black for Della Duck... but sadly, that was just the beginning of the next ten and a half years of her life...


Della breathed heavily as she started to open her eyes, her vision was a little blurry as she tried to take in her surroundings. She blinked a few times to try and get her blurry vision to go away, suddenly, her eyes focused on a crack in her space helmet! She stared at it terrified!

Della: Oh no... No, no, no, No, NO, NO, NO!

Della looked over to her left and saw Earth floating in space almost 240,000 miles away from her! The thought of space made her realize there's no oxygen in space! She coughed and gasped, and coughed and gasped! She tried not to cry out in pain as the back of her neck and her head throbbed in pain! Clutching her throat and abdomen, laying her head down on the moon's surface! Della could feel her lungs giving out and struggling to grab air! She strained to look around for anything, ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING THAT COULD SAVE HER!!! Her gaze landed on a purple box with Gyro Gearloose's picture on it.

Della: YES... OXYCHEW!!!

Della grunted and groaned as she tried to hold her breath and reach out and grab the grab the OxyChew! She was successful; She quickly gasped for a breath, pulled her helmet off, unwrapped the OxyChew and shoved it into her mouth! She chewed as fast as she could! Suddenly, a gross tingling sensation came over her entire body. She groaned and gasped for air! She lay back on her back with her head on the ground and brought the Oxychew wrapper close to her face; the wrapper read, "OxyChew; Black Licorice! The Best Flavor!" Della groaned rather loudly.

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