Moonvasion: Truth & Heroism (A Scrooge/Della/Louie (Fenton/Sea) Story)

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Della and Donald both stood staring at each other for a minute before Della got the courage to walk towards him. Donald brought the melon with him as he met up with his sister, who he hadn't seen for 11 years. Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Webby smiled lovingly at their mom and uncle seeing each other, but the sweet moment faded when both adults screamed at each other angrily!

Donald/Della: WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!!!

The boys and Webby gapped and blinked in shock at Donald and Della yelling.

Della: If you were home when I got back you'd know I was stuck on the moon, which by the way IS INVADING US!!!

Donald: I know! I warned you!

Della gapped irritated and crossed her arms at Donald, Dewey ran up to the two of them and stood between them.


Both adults turned and looked away from each other, I watched as Dewey glared at Donald angrily and then he jumped him! Surprised, Donald fell back and Dewey pulled on his beard in frustration and anger! Dewey: I COULD'VE BEEN NAMED "TURBO!" YOU OWE ME ELEVEN YEARS OF "TURBO!!!"

Della turned back to see Dewey on Donald and she picked up Dewey and pulled him away.

Della: Don't change the subject! Just because I missed you doesn't mean I'm not mad at you!

Donald stood up and yelled back at Della.


Della's expression softened in surprise and she ran at Donald in a hug, Donald blinked in surprise but hugged her back just as tightly. It was such a happy moment to see Della reunited with her older twin, until Donald pulled out the melon, Mikey Melon, again and pressed it against Della's face.

Mikey: Aw boy, I love a reunion!

Della: WOAH!!! Uh...

Della backed away from Donald and cringed concerning Donald's sanity. Della looked to Huey and me and spoke out of the corner of her mouth.

Della: "has the melon been a thing the entire time I've been gone, or..."

Huey: No, that's new...


The planetary engine was pushing Earth, more towards the Moon than the sun, from Duckburg Bay. All of Duckburg acted as though it was December or early January, despite it really being the beginning of July.

(Sorry, I'm not the best with remembering my own timeline, so it might seem a little out of order month-wise)

The bay was frozen over to where you could walk out on it safely, and the houseboats and sailboats at the Marina were stuck in the frozen water. The wind blew cold in Duckburg and people got cold while getting held captive, but the weather didn't seem to be bothering the moonlanders. Perhaps being in space and farther from the sun meant they could tolerate the cold better than people on Earth.

A few more rockets landed on Earth and moonlanders were finishing up taking the citizens, who had hidden in their homes, captive to Killmotor Hill to keep them all accounted for. Luckily for Shayla, Launchpad got away from the moonlanders and returned for her. Shayla was hesitant and scared to go outside of her house, but Launchpad assured her that he'd keep her safe. Without the limo, Launchpad and Shayla were very careful to get around Duckburg without being caught by the moonlanders. They both wore dark coverups that they pulled over their heads, and made their way over to the Marina, where the dock for fishers was. The couple sneakily made their way inside Chums, a little sea food, bar sided restaurant, where Scrooge, Beakley, Duckworth, and Manny were hiding.

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