Storkules In Duckburg (A Sea/Louie (Fenton/Huey) Story)

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WARNING: Decent amount of drama / plenty of laughs


It was a bright and sunny day in Duckburg and the city was bustling with energy; people going to work, selling their business products and teens with their part-time jobs. It had been a week since the last Sealia McCallister and her friends went on an adventure. As she had suggested to herself, she was going to a nearby coffee shop to talk with the only person who she felt was the most honest and trustworthy person she had ever met in all the DuckTales Universe: Fenton Crackshell Cabrera. Sealia had a few concerns she wanted to get off her chest, and Fenton was just the person she wanted to share personal things with.


Sealia had asked me to meet her when I had the time, unfortunately I had a lot of work to do this past week. Ever since we found out the truth about what happened to Della, I had more and more work. I had thought I had stayed on top of my work even as the kids and I had searched for clues, but I guess I had been too preoccupied with the search. Luckily, I had been working late nights to get me a break and this morning off to hang out with Sealia: one of my closest and best friends. But... it was also kind of unfortunate too...

Sea: Fenton!

My head slammed against the table we were sitting at. I looked around, kind of groggily, people were staring.

Fenton: "I'm fine!"

Sea smirked at me. There was no hiding that my late nights had made me extra tired these past few mornings. I shook my head to hopefully clear it, took a big sip of my hoy water, and sighed. Sea blinked uncomfortably.

Fenton: Sorry, I haven't been sleeping much lately.

Sea: I can tell, you're drinking straight up hot water

I looked at my hot water in confusion. 

Fenton: Is that not normal? 

*i saw someone's head cannon that Fenton doesn't drink coffee because it makes him jittery and a little crazy for some reason*

Sea chuckled a little.

Sea: You're good. Anyway, do you have any idea's of why I feel the way I do about my problems.

Sea had talked to me about how she's recently been missing her parents that aren't her real universal parents.

Fenton: I think it is normal to feel bad about it and to feel emotional about it. You know how sometimes you watch a movie and your favorite character dies, and you start to feel bad and sad about that even though its not real? Well, you know, unless that actor or actress dies in real life later?

Sea looked off to the side and must have understood a lot quicker than I expected her to. She was smart like that; always thinking deeply.

Sea: So... You're saying my reaction is normal.

Fenton: Absolutely. There is nothing to be worried about, Sea.

She smiled. She leaned back in her seat and held her hands together on the table, looking away.

Sea: And... what about my feelings about "feelings"?

She seemed worried, she looked up at me. I sighed, I had never really had a crush that I thought would mess me up, especially like in Sea's case, but I was willing to give her some advice I had thought about before I nodded off again. I took another large gulp of my hot water.

Fenton: As for your "feeling" troubles, I don't have much experience, but I can offer M'ma's advice.

Sea sat up a little, indicating that she was interested in hearing advice I had gotten from M'ma.

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