The Golden Spear (A Donald/Della Story)

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Back on the moon, Della went back and forth from Tranquility to the Spear so that she could finish it and finally get home. She got back to the Spear with a sack full of gold that Lunaris gave her to use up. As she entered the living space of the Spear, her transmitter repeated the news from the day she finally got signal from Earth, the "shadow war" that had Scrooge and her boys in it! She glanced at it as she put the sack on her welding table that she made to heat up and connect gold together with. She started up her blowtorch but started to doze off; Della snored for a second but shook herself awake just as quickly.

Della: Ah. Can't stop! I'm so close...

She pulled her goggles down and started her welding. Penumbra had followed her; she was eerily suspicious about Della and what she was doing.

Penumbra: "Treacherous spy! What are you really up to?"



Donald had always been super stressed from raising Huey, Dewey, and Louie, but after his doctor subscribed a special hammock for him, he knew as long as he was alone for an hour a day, he'd feel much better. And today was a perfect day too: birds were chirping sweetly, grasshoppers and crickets were chirping, and butterflies were flying around in all their beauty. Donald set up his hammock and a small table beside it. It had a radio and a cup full of orange juice on the table. Right after Donald got on the hammock, a butterfly landed on his beak. He smiled at it, then it flew away. He picked a book he had been wanting to read and began with it happily, that was until Huey, Sealia and Huey accidentally ruined it.

Sealia/Huey/Webby: Uncle Donald!

They appeared from under his hammock, Donald rocked the hammock so much in surprise that he tumbled inside of it and it wrapped around him. He looked at the three of them annoyed.

Donald: Careful! This was expensive!

Huey and Sealia glanced at the tag on the hammock.

Huey: "A prescription hammock?"

Sealia looked at the tag and read it out loud

Sealia: That's pretty nice! "For molting relating to stress."

She accidentally pulled on the tag a little and caused the whole hammock to release Donald from being tied up from it. He fell onto the ground with a hard thud; the three kids winced at Donald when he fell.

Donald: Doctors orders...

Webby: That's ridiculous! You're not molting, look at that luscious head full of--

Donald literally grabbed feathers that were coming off his head and held them in front of Webby and Sealia. Sealia gagged and held her beak, Huey gapped concerningly.

Huey: "Ooh... that's a lot of feathers..."

Webby: Anyway, we need to borrow your old "VCR Player?"

Sealia: It's to watch this VHS casset.

Webby: Right, that! We need to borrow it so we can watch this copy of the "Necronomicasette."

Sealia: The VHS that raises the dead, it's supposed to be the most horrifying-

Huey stepped in and shut Sealia's beak shut.

Huey: B horror movie from the nineties!

Huey forced a laugh, not wanting to tell Donald what really awaits them when they watch this movie.

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