Timephoon (Louie/Huey (Della) Story)

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HEADS UP: relationship stuff towards the end. NO SKIMMING!!!


Duckburg had grey skies, and the wind picked up and moved faster by the minute. There was a hurricane coming, and everyone was in their homes preparing for what would become of it. Sea was home with Shayla, preparing for the storm while Wade was home with his parents and Lucas in a hotel room in the middle of their hotel. Which made his parents a little claustrophobic since they were used to the penthouse, but Wade was fine and tried to make the most of his time with his parents and Lucas.

Meanwhile, at McDuck Manor, everyone who was available was doing their part in helping ready it for the storm. A small tv that had been put in the foyer broadcasted the news and weather, Roxanne Featherly was on and talking while in the midst of the storm.

Roxanne: Here in Duckburg, life is like "a hurricane"? Residents are battening down the hatches for the worst El Pato storm we've seen in decades!

Launchpad was at the mansion helping by sometimes carrying the heavier loads everyone else couldn't and grabbing and nailing blocks of plywood to the windows to keep them intact during the storm. Webby and Dewey set up cans of food to one of the corners in the foyer. As for Huey, he was busy working on a special paper for the Junior Woodchuck Council that could possibly be in the next edition of the guidebook. Louie on the other hand wasn't helping at all, instead he was sneaking around the house to hide things from his family. Passing Dewey and Webby, he jumped in surprise when they called his name!

Dewey: Hey, Louie!

Louie: GAH! What?!

Webby: Could you give us a hand?

The three of them stood there in the silence for a moment, then busted out laughing knowing that Louie wouldn't pull his load anyway. It was a joke they could all laugh over. Louie picked up a can of food and handed it to Webby before returning to sneaking around, no one knew exactly what he was up to.

Dewey and Webby were passing the cans of food to each other when one of them dropped a can and it rolled away. They both gasped as it rolled and bumped into Beakley's foot. She picked it up curiously with a furrowed brow.

Beakley: "Mr. Chunky's Extra Chunky Chili Chunks?"

Dewey looked proudly at Beakley.

Dewey: We could be stuck inside for days. You said we should have plenty of food we won't get sick of!

Webby and Dewey gestured to a buffet of chili cheese dogs that they had put together. The effort was there, but only eating chili cheese dogs was not healthy at all.

Beakley: I said "won't get sick FROM. And you know it! I doubt your mother would approve of the nutritional--

From behind Beakley, Della stood happily eating a sloppy chili cheese dog. Beakley groaned and gave Della a disapproving look.

Della: What? Chili cheese dogs put the "hooray" in "hooray-cane party." It's no big deal!

Beakley: Until we're all on day eight of nothing but cheese dogs and we all get scurvy. Again!

Della offered a chili cheese dog to Beakley, but she pushed it away.

Della: Come on Beakley! You gotta let kids be kids, don't sweat the small stuff!

Della ate a few more bites of her cheese dog as Beakley continued to stare at her disapprovingly at her parenting skills.

Beakley: Oh, so is this you're parenting strategy or just things you read off a bumper sticker?

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