1 || Beautiful yet Painful memory

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Hey everyone

So here is the first chapter
I hope you will Enjoy.

I was going through the fashion magazine while sipping on hot coffee after having a long day

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I was going through the fashion magazine while sipping on hot coffee after having a long day. I am in London for the Summer fashion week 2023. The past weeks have been really hectic due to launching of new summer fashion collection. So far everything has been up to the mark and I hope the same for tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the last day of the fashion week and also the day which will decide the success of our newly launched collection. I don't know why but I feel a little, should I say nervous or what is this feeling? I don't understand. I flipped the magazine and kept it on the table. Well, I wasn't really paying attention on it though, rather than blankly staring at the photographs.

I took the last sip of my coffee which was no more hot and kept the mug on table. I streched my body while just sitting on the couch.

" Ah! my body hurts."

I threw back my head and rested on top of the backrest. My resting session was short-lived as my phone started ringing. I picked it up from the table and saw the name Darling ♥️ with a heart emoji flashing on its screen. This single name was enough to bring a smile on my face.

Swiping my thumb to the right I met with a crying voice. Yes, a fake one.

''Hey Haze! ''

''Don't hey me, when are you coming back?"
Came back her sudden reply.

"Maybe the day after, we are almost done."

"I miss you Ash." her voice was a mere whisper.

"I miss you too, but it's not been long, you're just being sensitive. "

"You call it sensitive, you have gone for two fucking weeks and not even cared to call me once and now, you will come up with the excuse that you were busy, so fine but then to, you should just check on me once whether I am dead or alive but no you just think of one thing that is work, you know what take my best advice of the yea..."
Now here we go again with this never ending drama. Haze has always been a drama queen, we are friends from middle school and it has reached to the point where sometimes people mistake us to be dating.

"Haze, Fine I'm sorry" I cut her in the mid.

"When I will be back, I will compensate with whatever you say, I promise".

"And you should, you have to, there is no other option".

Then we talked a bit about some usual stuffs and bid bye as it was already late.

I looked at the lock screen of my phone and again a smile flashed on my face. It was a picture of me and my dad. I was holding a tiny white flower and showing it to the camera while my dad was hugging me from behind wearing brown apron and gloves in his hands while I was in my school uniform with two cute ponytails. We looked so happy and this is one of my favourite picture with dad.

My dad liked gardening, our house used to be surrounded with enormous number of different flowers and still it is cause it is the sweetest memory I have shared with him.

We used to call Sunday as a Garden day. Me, Dad, Mom and Kevin used to be ready with our apron, and gloves on and work in garden. Me and Kevin were hardly of any use as we just wasted most of our time in fighting and bickering on nonsense stuffs.

I chuckled softly recalling the most beautiful yet painful memory. My eyes glistened with tears and a single tiny drop made its way from my eyes to the cheek. I kept my phone back on the table and took a deep breath. Wiping my tears I got back to my previous position.

"Ahh! I miss you dad" I huffed.

Its been four years since I lost my dad but it doesn't feel like that. It feels yesterday was the day when I was a little girl playing with my dad , giggling and running around the house. He was the sweetest person on earth and the best dad a daughter can ever have.He was my support system. He was my everything.

I think this was the unusual feeling which I was feeling a while ago, I was just missing my dad and wanted to cry it out a little, cause now I feel much more relaxed. Thinking about dad I don't know when I drifted off to sleep in the same position.

I got up in the middle of the night with a slight pain in the back of my neck. Ah! not again, I should sleep on the bed if I don't want to face the whole body aching first in the morning. I walked to my bed, lying down I put the comforter over my body and fell asleep again, whispering

"It's gonna be a long day tomorrow"

to myself.

Thank you for reading.
Please let me know your opinion about this chapter.


Take care

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