2 || Back to LA

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Next day

I came back to my hotel and took the elevator, reached my room, took out my heels and plopped down on the bed.

God! I was missing this bed so much and the immense relief after taking out heels is indescribable.

But this headache, it hurts too much. I think I should get a checkup soon cause it's getting worse by the passage of time.

After relaxing a bit I went to take a shower.

Finally, everything was over on a good note. Our new collection was an absolute success and now I can go back to home.
Tomorrow I have an evening flight to LA. I haven't packed my luggage yet so first thing I have to do in the morning is to pack my luggage.


Finally,I reached LA after a 11 hours long ass flight. Hazel has already informed me that she will be there to pick me up from the airport. But how can I expect something normal from her, it's in her blood to be extra. She came with a board on which welcome back was written in bold letters and also with a big flower bouquet.

The way she show her love towards me make me question myself, how did I managed to get someone like her in my life? I know people may think I am being overdramatic but I cannot help myself. She is too naive and selfless. I want to protect her all my life and I will. I am never going to leave her in any circumstances.

She waved at me enthusiastically like a kid. I smiled and went towards her, we shared a bone crushing tight hug. We settled inside the car and drove towards my penthouse.

"How is Kelly? " I asked
Kelly is Haze's pet cat, She is literally so cute and we make a sweetest bond. Hazel is jealous of that not from me but from Kelly.

"She is doing good."

"Why didn't you bring her too?"

"Wow! seriously, didn't expected from you. I went to the airport, waited for you, literally for half an hour, arranged so many things to welcome you and you didn't even asked me how have I been and all you care about is Kelly."

Again the drama queen mode has been activated.

"Haze sorry, I didn't mean that."

"No, No, she is more important to you than me."
She wipped her fake tears and I rolled my eyes.

"How can I forget I have always been a second option, sometimes I feel like I am third wheeling in between you two"

"Haze..Shut up"

"Oh, now you want me to shut up too, fine then I won't talk to you ever not even if you are the last person on the earth."

This girl.

"Good" I said nonchalantly.
It boosted up her anger even more and her bickering continued till the entire ride.
It's a different kind of fun to listen to her meaningless talks.

We reached home and ordered pizza for dinner as we both were too tired to cook anything. l asked her to stay here tonight and she agreed. We watched a movie together while having dinner and later called it a day.


In the morning, Maria, our maid came to fill up the pantry. Mom must have send her here though I asked her not to. She never listens to me. Well I am going to meet my mom today, it's been weeks since I met my family.

After having breakfast we both went to meet my mom. I entered inside the house and looked for my mom but I couldn't find her. I asked Lia, again one of our maid, she told me she is in the backyard. I went there and saw my mom enjoying her day with Kelly. I went to her and back hugged her.
She giggled calling out my name and gave a kiss on my cheek.

Hazel also hugged mom followed by me while I picked up Kelly in my arms and she immediately nuzzled herself in my neck.

She is so cute.

l sat on a chair with Kelly still in my arms.

"How have you been mom? " I asked

"Good" she replied

"What about you? Work must have been hectic." she asked.


"So, did you meet someone in London?"
she raised her eyebrows teasingly and Haze giggled.

"Mom, I went there to work, not to hunt men for dating."

"I never said that but anyways you should find a good guy, date him, fall in love and then later get married. It's the right age Aster."

"Not again, Mom."

"Then you should go on dates arranged by me but you keep denying that too."

"I have been to enough dates, I don't wanna get rejected anymore. it feels terrible." I pretended to be sad and side-eyed Hazel or she will reveal our secret in front of mom.

"But I feel fishy, how dare they reject my beautiful daughter."

" it's ok mom, just don't set me on dates anymore."

" But I want to see my little girl in bride's attire, getting settled in her life. Sometimes I feel it will just remain a dream and I will turn old and eventually die."
she again started her emotional blackmail.

"Ash...it's my last wish I want to fulfill before I die, is it too much to ask?"

"Mom don't say that."

"If you already have someone in your life then say so, your mom is not bad that she won't let you marry your love."

"Fine. Now don't stress yourself too much, first you need to take care of yourself."

"Where is Kevin and Olivia? I didn't see them." I tried to change the topic.

"They already left for the office a while ago."

Our conversation interrupted with the ringing of my phone. It was Maria, showing that I have to leave for my work too.

I bid them bye and left.

Later around 5 I got a message of Olivia to meet at club, our usual hangout spot. I replied with a thumbs up. I packed my stuffs around 6:30 and left for home. I have enough time for now so I thought to take a shower before leaving for the club.



Take care

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