Chapter 5 | ...The Harder You Might Fall

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Lieutenant Colonel Wayne Fields stood outside his daughter's room after being gone from the house for the past six months. He had missed his wife and daughter dearly, and was very glad to be back.

They'd all just got done eating the big feast his wife had prepared for him in order to celebrate his return, and just from casually talking at the table with the two of them, he realized how much he'd missed while he was gone. His daughter was going through a very crucial time in her life and he wanted to be there for her as much as he could.

Emily was sitting at her desk when he walked in, doing homework. He walked up to her, a warm grin growing on his face. "There's my girl. Diligent as always."

Emily lifted her head in surprise, as though still not used to the sound of his voice not coming through the phone. Her face mirrored the smile as she turned to him, "I thought you'd gone to sleep."

"I'll sleep when I'm old. Right now, I want to spend some time with you," he said softly, bending to kiss the top of her head. He took a seat on her bed, gently patting the space next to him.

Emily chuckled lightly, getting up from her desk chair and sitting beside him.

"You look great, Emmy. Glowing," he remarked lovingly.

Emily grinned but gave a timid shrug, "I bet I just look the same as the last time you saw me."

"Not true. You seem more mature, sweetheart," he said with a tender expression. "I'm so proud of you for volunteering over the summer. Those Habitat people were very lucky to have you on their team."

"Thanks, dad," Emily sighed, resting her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his strong arm around her and she curled up next to him, closing her eyes in comfort. Her father's smell alone could lull her to sleep if she wanted.

"How are the girls? College plans all ready?"

"Hanna and Aria still need to get final answers but other than that, yeah," Emily nodded.

"Didn't you say Hanna had some financial problem with her father?" he asked.

"She got Mr. Marin to agree to pay for her tuition, so that's hopefully solved," Emily assured.

"That man doesn't know the meaning of being a father, I tell you," Wayne shook his head in disapproval. He laid his head against hers, rubbing her arm fondly. "And what about Paige? You said on the phone that things were a little tense between you two after you came back. Any chance of reconciliation?"

"No, that's completely done and shut, trust me," Emily admitted, not keen on elaborating on what went down between the two of them at the party.

"But something else has gotten you in a good mood," he implored. Emily shyly played with her fingers and he piped up mischievously, "Or should I say, someone else?"

Emily blushed, shrugging softly, "I guess you can say that."

"Well, who is this girl? Tell me about her," Wayne asked in a supportive voice, squeezing her shoulder.

When Emily had come out a couple of years back, he had been the one to steer his wife, Pam, to accept Emily's sexuality. Ever since then, he's always tried to make his daughter feel safe and comfortable talking to him about her dating life.

"She's... Different than anyone I've ever met," Emily described, sitting up slowly. A tiny grin graced her face as she thought of the woman who was constantly on her mind. "We just had an instant connection, but I don't know if it's going anywhere."

"Why not?" he asked.

"The circumstances are... not great, to say the least," she confessed.

"Are they ever?" he joked lightly. "Emmy, if there's someone out there who makes you feel happy and understood, that's something you have to hold on to. This sort of stuff is more rare than we realize."

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