Chapter 21 | High Alert

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"Ali, you're missing the best part!"

Alison kept her face buried in the soft fabric of Emily's hoodie, her hands gripping for dear life onto the brunette's arm as she tried to ignore the sounds emitting from the TV.

"You said that about every part so far," she stated, turning her head around, just in time to see a man with a burned face wearing a glove with knives poking out of it. A chill ran down her spine as she went back to hiding her face. "Emily, what the hell are we watching?"

"This is one of the most famous movies in the world, and there's a reason for that," Emily declared proudly, enjoying her movie choice.

"You are the last person I thought would be into movies like this," Alison uttered, her voice muffled against the hoodie.

"I like it because I know they're just movies," Emily reasoned, her hand caressing Alison's hair. "As long as it's not based on a real story, it doesn't mean anything."

"It means I won't be able to sleep tonight, jerk," Alison complained lightly.

Emily chuckled, tilting her head down to plant a soft kiss on Alison's head. "Don't worry, I'm not going to let Freddy Krueger take you away in the middle of the night," she joked.

"Ha ha," Alison muttered sarcastically but still nuzzled into Emily's chest. Emily ran her hands over Alison's back, soothing her. When another shrill scream echoed from the TV, she took pity on the blonde, using the remote to pause the movie.

"If it's that terrible, I can turn it off and we can put on one of your movies instead," Emily offered, "I don't mind."

"'My' movies?" Alison questioned, backing away and sitting slightly to see Emily's face. The brunette nodded, shifting to have her back against the couch. Alison raised her eyebrows goadingly, "And what are those, exactly?"

"You know," Emily shrugged with a teasing grin, "those movies that are based in times when cars were a horse and a carriage."

"Oh, really?" Alison taunted, not resisting her own grin. "Then try to guess what my favorite movie is, because I never told you this."

"I don't know," Emily contemplated, still holding a smug smirk, "for a bookworm like you, probably something like Sense and Sensibility or Jane Eyre."

"Okay, I do like those movies," Alison granted weakly and Emily giggled. "But they're not my favorites. Think of something classic, you know? Timely."

"Okay," Emily bit her lip pensively, "Titanic?"

"Emily," Alison stared at her indignantly, "that's so insulting."

"How is that insulting?" Emily contested, humored by the sheer displeasure on Alison's face.

"Guessing someone's favorite movie is Titanic is like guessing their favorite author is Dan Brown," Alison mocked.

"What's wrong with him?" Emily asked in innocent bafflement. She was pretty sure saw a book of his in Spencer's bookcase, and that had to have meant something.

"Ugh," Alison rolled her eyes playfully.

"Okay, okay," Emily relented with a chuckle, looking at her in interest, "what is your favorite movie?"

"Clueless," Alison answered easily.

"Clueless? That's the 'timely' period piece I was supposed to guess?" Emily piped up affrontedly.

"It is a period piece," Alison grinned, pleased with herself, "it's just of the 90s, not the 19th century."

"Such a dork," Emily shook her head fondly and Alison smiled to herself, the blanket pooling in her lap as she moved to straddle Emily on the couch.

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