Chapter 7 | Behind Closed Doors

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a/n: disclaimer - explicit mature content


Emily was sitting in the notorious Rosewood restaurant, The Grille, with her three best friends. They were taking a dinner break from their study session for their upcoming History test.

She was finishing off the last of her french fries when Spencer announced that she was going to the bathroom. Aria was quick to join her. It was an inside joke of the four of them - whenever someone even mentioned the word 'bathroom', Aria instantly had to go.

It was usually pretty hilarious but Emily had been the only one who didn't laugh at it this time. It was a detail that her closest friend immediately took notice of, frowning subtly.

When Emily and Hanna were left by themselves, the bubbly blonde turned to her, bluntly asking, "Okay, what gives?"

"What?" Emily asked in confusion, dipping her fry in ketchup.

"You're all mopey and sad," Hanna said with her usual lack of subtlety. It would be alarming to anyone who wasn't used to it like Emily was. "Not just today. You've been this way for weeks, Em."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Han. I'm very happy. See?" she gave a forced smile, causing Hanna to roll her eyes.

"Okay, one, you're a terrible liar and two, will you please tell me what's wrong?" she asked.

"Seriously, Hanna, I don't know what you want me to say," Emily shrugged helplessly, playing dumb.

"How about the truth?" Hanna demanded. "Is it Paige? Is she giving you a hard time? Because my offer to kick her ass still stands."

Emily couldn't help but chuckle shortly at her friend's antics. Hanna showed that cared for someone in the most peculiar ways.

"No, she's been fine, actually," Emily relented. "It's nothing serious. Just some stress about next year. Usual stuff."

"Yeah, I know what you're talking about," Hanna sighed sympathetically, seemingly buying her made-up answer.

Emily truly hated outrightly lying to Hanna, but she could hardly tell her the truth right now. If she were to reveal her involvement with Alison to her best friend in the middle of a crowded restaurant, she was pretty sure the woman would never speak to her again.

"Your dad officially agreed to pay for your tuition, right?" Emily asked worriedly.

"Yeah, but a promise from him is like taking a gamble," Hanna shrugged miserably. "I'm afraid he won't pull through."

"If he doesn't, then I will personally kick his ass," Emily said lightly, nudging Hanna's shoulder.

The blonde smiled mischievously in response, "Maybe we'll kidnap my icky step sis and demand ransom."

They burst into laughter together, both hating Hanna's step sister, Kate. Emily shook her head, her breath slowly restoring to normal.

"It'll be okay," the brunette said in a meaningful voice, leaning her head on Hanna's shoulder.

"Yeah," Hanna agreed softly, leaning her own head on Emily's, "it'll be okay for you too, Em. More than okay. You're going to rock next year, I know it."

"Thanks, Han," Emily smiled tenderly. "You too."

The touching moment between them was somewhat pushing Emily to put her life in perspective, something that she had been lacking recently. Other people had problems too, she needed to focus her energy on her friends, not just her dramas with Alison.

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