Chapter 11 | The Older Sister

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Alison re-entered her bedroom, walking towards her ensuite. She had so many thoughts running through her head right now. What would she have done if Cece happened to have a spare key to her place? Her sister would've just marched in here and would've easily caught her and Emily in the shower together. The only reason the woman didn't have one was because Alison coincidentally hadn't found the time to drive down to Ravenswood to replicate her house key.

This wasn't the first or the last time Cece visited her unannounced. If Alison told her anything to try to stop her from coming over, her sister would immediately get suspicious.

The fact was, she and Emily had already talked about the brunette coming here next Saturday as well. It would require them to be even more quiet about this than usual. And she'd need to start lying to her sister about whenever she was home, so Cece wouldn't have a reason to be stopping by.

This was starting to spiral into a bigger and bigger lie than it ever was, but not once in her mind did she consider the possibility of putting a stop to what she and Emily were doing. She couldn't even imagine that. She was so far gone in this girl, and truthfully, it would crush the both of them.

She knocked on her bathroom door, calling out, "Em, she's gone. It's me."

A second later, the lock clicked and Emily hesitantly appeared in the doorway, wearing a towel, her wet hair falling delicately.

"I'm really sorry this happened," Alison apologized softly, her eyes boring into Emily's anxious ones.

Emily looked overwhelmed by the experience. She must've been worried, standing there inside while Alison was out in the bedroom with her sister.

"It's okay," Emily uttered weakly, shrugging. "It wasn't your fault."

The brunette walked past her, taking a seat on the storage bench at the end of the bed. Alison's eyes followed her nervously. Emily wasn't even looking her in the eye right now.

"What's on your mind?" she prodded gently, moving to stand in front of the girl.

Emily wrung her hands, looking at the floor. "I was in there and... I was genuinely panicked that your sister would find out, and I couldn't see anything," Emily explained meekly, biting the inside of her lip. The brunette frowned, "I just didn't know what to do. I didn't even think this could happen. I mean, my mind was set on the idea that if we're in here, in your house, then no one would know."

"I know," Alison sighed defeatedly, sitting next to her. "I thought so too. I completely forgot about the possibility of my sister, I should've thought about that. But, Em, next time you're here, I'll just tell her that I'm not home. She doesn't have a spare key or anything."

"Okay," Emily gave a small nod. She turned to Alison, mumbling shyly, "Maybe I should go home."

She got up before Alison could react, going into the bathroom to find her clothes. When she came out, Alison was downcast, sitting in the same spot.

"Em," she implored, walking over to her, "you don't have to go. She won't come by here again, she's going out."

"No, I know," Emily acknowledged, still clutching her clothes as she tried not to sink at the sight of Alison all puppy-eyed. "But still, I better just go."

Alison shook away the small part of her that cracked inside at the saying. She sat back while Emily changed into her clothes and slid her jacket on.

She hated this hasty goodbye. Cece's visit was a massive damp on their quality time together. It was as if all of last night and today were ruptured and erased by the past stupid twenty minutes.

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