Chapter 17 | Meant To Be

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Emily walked with Hanna up the stairs of the theater after hanging up the phone with Spencer, who had informed them that the tours around the establishment were about to start and advised that the two of them returned now.

The brunette knew that she had a lot more to talk about with Hanna after the bombshell her friend had found out about her. She couldn't help but feel nervous about sitting down with Hanna once they all drove back to Rosewood in about two hours.

It was her fault. She had kept this from Hanna for far too long, and she wouldn't blame the blonde if she felt some sort of betrayal now that it unraveled. Emily felt awful about it. She had been trying to protect Alison and herself, but to Hanna, it probably seemed like a matter of trust, as though Emily didn't think Hanna would be able to keep it a secret. She dreaded the notion that her friend might be thinking that she chose Alison over her.

Either way, she knew she would have to make this up to Hanna, and she hoped her utmost honesty tonight would help that.

As they made their way to the sea of students, Emily and Hanna were talking amongst themselves, setting up plans to sleep over at the blonde's house tonight. Emily was listening to Hanna's ramblings about her mother's odd new candle-making hobby that completely took over the guestroom and would force them to share Hanna's bedroom tonight, when the bubbly blonde abruptly stopped talking, causing Emily to peer at her in bafflement.

She turned to see what Hanna was looking at, finding the sight of Alison sorting students into groups. They were passing by the teacher, and Emily's eyes darted between both blondes as Alison caught onto the fact that someone was staring at her, her gaze leveling with Hanna's.

Hanna stared at her curiously, as though trying to study her. She knew a little bit about Ms. DiLaurentis, and she knew some things about Emily's girlfriend, but now those two people were merged into one, and that one was standing in front of her, doing her duties as a teacher.

This was beyond surreal. Not to mention, Ms. DiLaurentis was looking her right in the eye. She wasn't surveying her like she was trying to figure her out, she was rather staring at her like... Like she knew her. It made Hanna wonder just how much Emily had told the woman about her, because she certainly hadn't heard the same amount about Alison.

Emily cleared her throat gently, interrupting Hanna's line of thought. "Come on, Han," she nudged her hand lightly, leading her over to the rest of their friends.

Hanna severed her eye contact with the woman before noticing the light coat of blush on Emily's face. The brunette probably wasn't used to her two worlds coming together. It was like she had been living a double life and both were suddenly converging.

They went on a tour of the theater, this time being placed in a group with the rest of their friends, which mostly served as a distraction for both Hanna and Emily. It helped, since they couldn't talk about what they desperately needed to talk about until hours from now.

Emily made use of this time, subtly pulling out her phone. When she opened it, she saw that there was already a message there from Alison.

From Alison: How did it go?

She looked around, cornering herself against the wall and titling her screen for her eyes only as the tour guide gave a monotonous speech about what the stage curtains were made of.

To Alison: It was okay, I think. She didn't storm out so that has to be a good sign

To Alison: Can we do a raincheck on tonight though? It's best if I sit with Hanna and explain everything to her

After she sent the messages, she looked for Alison in the crowd of groups. Luckily, the group that the blonde was accompanying was just passing by her own group, and Emily slightly held up her phone when Alison looked her way, subtly indicating her to check her phone.

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