Chapter 13 | Reality Bites

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The apartment was dark and quiet when they entered it, and their footsteps echoed on the hardwood floors. They removed their shoes and the blonde locked the door behind them, sliding off Emily's leather jacket from her shoulders and hanging it up on the hook at the entrance. She then laid her small purse on the table by the door, placing the apartment key inside.

She looked around. Streaks of lights shined from the large windows every time a car passed by in the street below. The road outside was still bustling even at this time.

They had managed to pass through a tiny supermarket right down the street from them for a few small things for tomorrow like ground coffee and sugar before they went up to the apartment. She watched as Emily went to the kitchen and placed the thin grocery bag on the counter.

She walked over to her, thinking it was funny that neither of them thought to turn on the lights, like they instinctively knew that what they were planning to do now didn't require much lighting.

The cab ride home was filled with gentle hand squeezes and soft smiles, high off of their confessions of love to one another. But now, Alison saw the way Emily's dark eyes were studying her, taking note of her body in every step she took. The air was charged when she stopped in front of the brunette, electricity flowing through them and enlivening the stillness of the apartment.

Alison's gaze drank in the sight of Emily in that dress, it still made her heart jump every time she looked at it. It was just like how she felt about Emily's body; She knew what it looked like under her clothes, exposed and bare, but every single time she saw Emily naked, she was blown away again.

She stood slightly on her toes now that she was devoid of her heels again, and brought her face to Emily's, planting a soft, teasing kiss on her lips. She adored how Emily's lips were always tender and ready to be kissed. She kept their faces inches apart as her finger trailed teasingly down Emily's front, passing over the valley between her breasts and down the length of her luscious body over the dress, reaching just above Emily's core, blocked by the fabric.

Emily's eyes fluttered at the touch, turning dazed under Alison's sense of control. Something was different about Alison tonight and she couldn't quite place her finger on what it was, but she felt like she couldn't even move – like Alison's proximity was enchanting her to give away all of her free will to the blonde.

Emily's eyes dropped to Alison's lips as she licked them, her hand reaching for the blonde's chin, her thumb tracing her pink bottom lip, and Alison just lost any trace of patience.

She brought her face to Emily's neck, peppering kisses down the length of it before her tongue teasingly trailed a wet line up from the base of it to her jawline, causing Emily to choke out a muffled whimper, heat rushing between her legs.

"I've waited for this moment all night," she whispered huskily in Emily's ear, her tone deliberate.

Emily finally found her footing, lust swimming in hooded eyes as she slid her hand into Alison's lush hair and brought their lips together. Alison moaned at the rough kiss. She could feel Emily's passion as the brunette took a few small steps forward, forcing her against the cold surface of the refrigerator. She groaned at the slight pain from the hard feel on her back, hearing a clink on the floor from where the single magnet that was hung on the fridge fell down. But she lost all of her senses when Emily slid her tongue into her open mouth, exploring it greedily.

She grew wet, wrapping her arms around Emily's neck as she pulled the brunette close enough until she could feel her racing pulse. Emily pressed harder into her and the refrigerator rocked behind her. Emily felt a tug between her legs when Alison pushed her hand into her brown hair and adjusted her head to her liking, Alison's fingers slightly tugging on the strands. It hurt Emily a bit in her skull but she soon didn't feel a single shred of pain as Alison let a weak moan into her mouth.

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