Chapter 8 | Tucked Away

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Emily's eyes fluttered open slowly the next morning as she gathered her senses, waking peacefully. Her gaze swept tiredly over the view of Alison's tastefully designed living room in the clear light of day. All of the rain clouds from last night had apparently vanished, judging by the clear blue skies visible through the small crack in the curtains covering the large window a bit away from her.

She glanced down to find that the weight she was feeling on her chest was actually Alison's head. The blonde was still asleep, breathing in and out calmly as her arm rested snug around Emily's waist.

Her face looked slightly younger from this angle in this particular early light. Almost like they were the same age. Emily wanted to ghost her fingers over every line and angle on the features of her serene face.

She quickly gathered that she was lying naked. Alison's body was fully bare too against her own. She felt it under the blanket that the blonde had thrown on them before they'd exhaustedly fallen asleep in the early hours of the morning.

Everything from last night had felt like a surreal dream. Vivid images popped into Emily's head. The feeling of Alison's fingers inside of her, the pure taste of Alison's juices in her mouth, the way the blonde had kissed her and whimpered into her mouth, swallowing her own moans in return... All of it was perfect to Emily.

A soft smile rose on her face as she lowered her face to a sleepy Alison's forehead, planting a gentle kiss there. The blonde made a tiny sound and cutely scrunched her face in her sleep but didn't wake. Emily took it as a sign to fall back into another dream until Alison was ready to leave her own.

She rested her eyes and hugged Alison close, dozing to sleep as she felt the steady rise and fall of the blonde's chest as she breathed.

The next time Emily woke up, it was from the feeling of someone moving next to her. She opened her eyes to see Alison stirring awake, looking around curiously at her surroundings for a few moments before dropping her head back onto Emily's sternum and nuzzling into her.

"Hi," Emily said quietly with a small grin, running her fingers through Alison's hair.

Alison grinned tenderly in return, resisting the urge to purr at the sensation on her scalp.

She was so happy to be waking up in Emily's arms like this. Last night had been unexpected but wholly incredible.

As crazy as it sounded, she had completely abandoned the idea of repercussions and reason, and just let herself be. The result was that she and Emily had finally succumbed to their desires toward one another, satisfying one another thoroughly for hours.

It felt so good to finally be able to intimately convey all that she was feeling toward the brunette without the barrier of self-judgement. Her feelings for Emily grew tenfold overnight. If she thought she had been craving the girl before, there was now even a bigger hunger for her.

"Hi," she blinked tiredly, her thumb skimming on the skin of Emily's hip. The area between her legs was pleasantly sore during every small shift and movement she made. She dropped a small kiss on Emily's shoulder, mumbling gently, "I had fun last night."

"I did too," Emily responded, her grin widening wistfully. The heat of Alison's body lulled her to a calm state. She decided she would genuinely be happy to just continue lying like this and never move again. "I can't stop thinking about it."

Alison flushed slightly at the comment for some reason, admitting a bit bashfully, "I'd never done that with a girl before, you know."

"I wanted to ask you that," Emily relented, her fingers still caressing the blonde's soft hair. "But honestly, you could've fooled me. You were so amazing that I wouldn't have guessed."

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