Chapter 16 | Field Trip

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Alison's eyes jerked open in her dark bedroom, a small gasp escaping from her mouth. Her eyes scanned the space around her for a moment before she sunk back into the mattress, rubbing her eyes tiredly. Her heart was racing in her chest from the dream she just had, which would qualify more as a nightmare in her eyes.

It was still so vivid in her mind - images of Emily popping in her dream cycle.

Weirdly enough, her nightmare wasn't about her and Emily's secret getting discovered and the entire fallout following that. It was about losing Emily. She dreamed that Emily moved away and never reached out to her again, cutting off all communication and exiling Alison from her life.

Paige was also in her dream, stealing Emily away from her. The scariest part was that the two were intertwined - Emily moving to California, and Paige weaseling her way into the brunette's life. Out of all states, Emily and Paige would be going to the same one next year, and even though she knew their two colleges weren't close, Emily would still be a lot physically closer to her ex than to Alison.

She didn't know why she picturing such horrible things in her dreams, but for some reason, it made her eyes churn with hot tears. Her lip quivered as she blinked and slowly wiped them away, glancing at the clock on her bedside table. It was only 3:15 AM, still hours before she had to wake up, but she didn't know if she could back to sleep right now.

The blanket moved as someone shifted behind her and she felt an arm tightening around her waist. Emily murmured something in her sleep, and Alison remembered she wasn't in this bed alone, relief washing over her.

She slowly turned in Emily's hold, not wanting to wake the girl. The brunette was peacefully slumbering, sporting that same cute sleepy face that Alison had seen plenty of times before, with those familiar relaxed features and calm aura.

Emily had turned her life upside down, Alison had no doubt about that. She had never loved someone the way she loved Emily. That wasn't to say that she didn't have people in her life that she loved deeply. Her sister for one. She also loved her brother, even though they spoke less, and she loved Robert, who was like another brother to her. She unfortunately loved her parents too, she just didn't like them very much. And her friends from college always held a special place in her heart.

But nobody had ever made her heart feel the way Emily did to her. It was almost ungraspable, how one person could control and take over an entire organ in her body. Emily's love was so powerful yet delicate all at once.

She could feel it in the way Emily listened intently to her, taking in every word and staying in tune with Alison's emotions. The way she touched Alison every time she walked past her, even the most dainty touches sparked warmth in Alison's heart. The way she made love to her, making Alison feel the most desirable she'd ever felt, listening to every movement and silent plea from Alison's body and giving her exactly what she needed at that moment. The way she joked and flirted with her, effortlessly engaging Alison's playful side. And the way she wholly embraced Alison's love for her, not afraid to give back every shred of affection that Alison directed at her.

She sighed wearily as she looked over Emily's face. Every day that passed by was another day with Emily, but it was also another day closer to Emily leaving.

What was she going to do?

Emily's features crunched up a bit and she stirred from her sleep, opening her eyes just barely. A small chuckle escaped her lips, "Mmm. That tickles."

Alison was sure the girl was sleep half asleep from the dazed tone of her voice, but she still whispered with a sheepish grin, "Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you."

"S'okay," Emily mumbled drowsily. Alison watched for a few moments, convinced that Emily had gone back to sleep before the girl emitted, "Why are you awake?"

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