Chapter 9 | Trial Period

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The next morning, Emily walked down the not-so-busy school hallway, en route to her locker. Her pace was moderate, she wasn't in a rush. She'd gotten to school a little earlier today because she had woken up restless and couldn't fall asleep again.

The bright fluorescent lights above her head which she usually despised every morning, disturbed her a bit less today for some reason. She passed by some people she knew, saying hi to girls from the swim team like she did every day.

The rest of yesterday had continued very slowly for her after leaving Alison's. She had gotten home, unfortunately stepping right into a phone conversation her mother was having with her dad.

She hadn't stopped thinking about the woman the entire time. Not when she was sitting with her mother in the living room and trying to talk sense into her, not later, when she called Hanna again to hear about her adventures on her date with Caleb, and not when she was lying in bed and trying to sleep, this time without the pressure of Alison's head on her chest.

Even this morning, when she had taken a shower, she was once again reminded of everything she and Alison did when was smearing soap on her body and came across the now-fading marks she had on her breasts.

It was a good thing her Sharks swimsuit was a one-piece, because she wouldn't have been able to get away from the prying her teammates would've given her if they had seen how many traces of purple and red she had on her chest right now.

She hiked her purse a bit higher on her shoulder, suddenly coming across the infamous teacher when she turned a corner.

Alison was walking in her direction and the second their eyes connected, Emily's heart pounded excitedly against her ribcage.

The smile that grew on Alison's face at the sight of Emily was radiant and the brunette couldn't help but grin back as they slowed to a stop in front of each other.

Emily tried to mask just how elated she was to come face to face with the woman, seeing as the hall was roaming with students.

"Hi, Ms. DiLaurentis," she greeted, attempting to appear casual to any outside observer.

Alison shifted a tiny bit in her heels, noting strangely that Emily saying her formal name like that did something to her in a way that it previously didn't. It sounded... Different in her ears now, as though it took on another meaning. She didn't know what it was, but she weirdly liked it.

"Morning, Emily," Alison returned with a warm grin, holding her clipboard tighter to her chest in order to stop herself from reaching out and touching the girl. "Good weekend?"

The tone in which Alison asked this was innocent but the glint in her eyes betrayed her, and Emily knew her intention was far from it.

"Yes, it was very... Eventful," Emily finally settled on the word after a few moments of contemplation.

"Oh?" the teacher spoke deliberately with a cheeky undertone, much to Emily's enjoyment. "What did you do?"

"I'd tell you," Emily glanced around them at the stream of students passing by, lowering her volume mischievously, "but I'm not sure that would be completely appropriate."

Alison smothered her smirk as she nodded in fake naivety, "Well, I'm sure you can tell me after class."

"Yeah," Emily agreed with a smile, not breaking their eye contact, "see you later."

She stepped away from the blonde as they headed in different directions. When she was far enough, she sagged with a breath. She had never had to hold herself back so much.

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