Chapter 12 | Getaway

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Monday at noon, English class ended with the shrilling ring of the bell and the students in the classroom quickly gathered their things. Toby was out for a family event today, but Emily still caught herself instinctively turning to tell him to go ahead to the cafeteria without her before she realized his chair was empty.

Everyone soon filed out of the room and Alison was already standing up to close the door, blocking the view from the students who roamed the halls.

The blonde had texted her last night to let her know she had officially told Cece about them. She mostly wrote that she would talk to her about it today, but assured her that it went better than she had expected.

Emily got up from her seat and held her binder to her chest, walking over to the teacher's desk, where Alison settled in her chair.

"Well?" she questioned, her fingers tapping anxiously on the sides of the binder. "How'd it go?"

"Pretty good, overall," Alison admitted, remembering yesterday's events. Cece ended up spending almost the entire day with her, talking about anything and everything. They had some serious catching up to do, after all.

"She was overwhelmed by it in the beginning," the blonde said, "not just by us but by me dating a girl, in general. But the more we talked, the more she slowly started to get it."

"Really?" Emily asked, relief shining in her eyes.

"Yeah," Alison confirmed with a soft smile. "She said she'd be supportive of me no matter what, and she promised she wouldn't tell anyone. Actually, I talked to her a lot about you," she added, watching Emily turn slightly bashful.

"What'd she say?" Emily inquired tentatively, her cheeks coated red.

"Well, she's practically your biggest fan now," Alison chuckled teasingly. "Plus, she thinks you're really hot."

"Oh," Emily blushed even deeper at the words, letting out a shy chuckle as she looked away from mischievous blue eyes.

"Well, I'm glad she didn't freak out," the brunette granted as she felt a big burden being lifted off her chest.

"Yeah, me too," Alison stated calmly. Her eased expression wilted a bit around the edges as she remembered something. "There is one thing, though."

"What thing?" Emily quizzed.

"She... wants to meet you," Alison said slowly, fishing for Emily's reaction.

The brunette's eyes widened slightly. "What?" she stuttered nervously. "I-I don't know about that, Ali."

"I know it's a lot, Em, I'm sorry. She just loves being extra like this," Alison complained, trying to explain to the girl, "I promise she only wants to get to know you. I'll be there right by your side and I'll force her to grow a filter beforehand, I swear."

"Uh," Emily hesitantly emitted, unable to resist Alison's pleading eyes, "yeah, okay."

"Thank you. But seriously, don't even worry about that for now," Alison assured gratefully. A sudden thought made her provide a sharp topic change, "So, you have any plans yet for your birthday?"

"Well, my mom's dead-set on cooking all of my favorite foods the day before, it's something that she does every year," Emily told her with a small smile, and though Alison was glad for Emily, she still felt a pinch in her heart at the fact that neither of parents had ever done something like that for her or her siblings.

"And my friends have been acting really weird, which, if I know them as well as I think I do, means that they're planning a surprise party."

"How can you tell?" Alison asked in amusement.

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