Chapter 28 | Pepe

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"Well, it's not your ma's home cooking, but at least we're eating here together," Wayne Fields announced happily, passing out the plates to his daughter and wife around the table.

"I'm sure it's lovely," Pam returned warmly, accepting the serving of fried rice and grilled salmon. They were sitting in the dining room of his on-base housing unit, prepared to eat the meal he had cooked ahead specially for them.

Even though it had been two hours since they made it to the base, Emily was still a little out of it from the flight and from having to go through a few protocol checks when they'd first entered the base.

However, all senses settled into balance when she first saw her dad waiting for them just beyond the entrance gate. He had given her the biggest bear hug and she melted into a peaceful version of herself since. He showed her and her mother to his housing unit and they had showered and made themselves comfortable. Now, they were finally sitting down for an early dinner.

Emily loved seeing her parents so radiant together. Her mom was a different person when her dad was around. She was much more relaxed than the hyper-panic state she had been in when they had gone through every bureaucratic step in the airport, and Emily was eternally grateful for that.

It was nice for her to get to leave Rosewood for the weekend, following all of the intenseness she'd experienced lately. In this base, she didn't know any other people besides her parents and a few of her dad's friends. This quality time was all about her and her family, and it honestly sounded like a dream to her right now.

"Emmy, did you know that you've gotten taller since the last time I saw you?" Wayne pointed out, taking a bite.

Emily chuckled, rolling her eyes fondly, "Dad, you say that every time."

"Well, it's true every time," he lovingly said, turning to her mom. "Right, sweetheart?"

"Honey, I stopped counting the second she turned taller than me at fifteen," Pam joked, causing the other two occupants at the table to laugh easily. "She definitely got your genes for her height," she told her husband.

"They are strong genes," he said smugly, reaching to affectionately ruffle Emily's hair. Pam passed him the bowl of green beans and asparagus and he accepted gratefully, putting some on his plate.

"Em?" he offered the bowl to his daughter, and the girl was about to pass up that absolute 'pleasure' when her mother gave her a disciplinary look that urged her to eat her greens.

Emily succumbed, taking the bowl with a defeated pout. She put some on her plate, much to the woman's apparent satisfaction.

"How is school?" Wayne asked in interest.

Emily blanched at the mention of it. These past two hours were the only two hours she had managed to consecutively go through these past two weeks without thinking about Alison, but now that failed too.

"It's okay," she answered with a small shrug, scooping up some rice. "Finals are coming up."

Wayne nodded, taking a sip of water before clearing his throat. "Your ma told me about the detention," he said, directing her with a serious look.

Emily sighed, swallowing her bite. "Yeah. That was just... stupid," she answered, biting her lip guiltily. "It was just a really off week for me, and I was late a few times in the mornings. But I already told mom it won't happen again."

"That's my daughter," he declared proudly. "You know when you've made a mistake and you don't make excuses for yourself. That's commendable."

"Besides, you have a short time to get through from now on, Emmy," her mother pointed out.

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