Chapter 30 | Prom

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A/n: Hey guys, just wanted to say sorry for leaving on a cliffhanger and taking so long to update. The truth is, there has been a lot of turmoil and some tragic events in my life lately and I didn't have the will or the time to write, unfortunately. But I saw your messages and comments and it was important for me to publish this chapter, so I tried my best to work through it.

Now, about this chapter - yes, I did use the girls' ice ball looks from episode 5x13 here, in case you were wondering how to picture them in prom lol. Some of their best looks in the entire series in my opinion! With that in mind, enjoy this unbelievably long-ass chapter :)


"I... Can't."

"What?" Cece's wide smile wavered in puzzlement. "Why not?"

"Well, I can't just move across the country at the drop of a hat," Alison said incredulously. "I mean, I don't have a house or a job there or anything."

"What about your friend, Naomi? I thought she was going to hand over your resume," Cece remarked inquisitively.

"She did, but they didn't have any open positions," Alison explained with a sigh. "Look, of course it sounds amazing, but how can I do something like that if the outcome might blow up in my face? I can't just delude myself."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, maybe Emily doesn't want her ex to follow her to the other side of the country," Alison's insecurity cued. "I don't know if she would even want to get back together. I broke her heart, Ce."

"You can unbreak it," Cece advised softly. "Listen, I know this is an insane offer that I dumped on you out of the blue, but I really do believe we can work this out. And either way, you have to talk to Emily. Let her know it's a possibility and see what she says."

Alison nodded, at least agreeing with that part, "Yeah, you're right. It's just a matter of when."

Alison was overwhelmed with information. She had thought Cece was still in the debating stages of whether to even move to the new location of her store or not. The last time she'd seen Cece's prioritized list, it said Chicago was her number one contender for a location. That clearly changed fairly recently, and most likely had to do with her situation.

The thought of actually doing this was obscure. To make this change would be huge. With that in mind, she couldn't help but think what would happen if she and Emily ended up not working out after everything, including moving states.

For her and Emily to be together, she had to think about moving to California and living close to her sister as a separate reason for moving out there, unrelated to Emily. That was the only way she could allow herself to look at it without placing ten times the weight on it.

That was why she couldn't go through with this without her having her own life out there. For that, she needed a job.

"Hey," Cece called her back to reality. "If this ended up working out, you... You'd be happy, right?"

"Yeah, it would be incredible," she answered positively, a tender smile on her face. "It sounds like a dream."

"Good," Cece nodded. "Then talk to her. If she's on board and this is actually happening, we need to plan this."

Alison agreed and her older sister pulled her into a hug, uttering fondly, "I love you, you stupid kid."

"I love you too," Alison said, too distracted to think of a comeback to the mild insult.

One of the things about this that made her recoil a bit was the fact that she didn't want to put this much pressure on Emily to say yes. They weren't even together right now.

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