Chapter 2

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I was checking my emails while my driver was driving, suddenly a woman screamed from the back of my car "What the hell" she said , I told my driver to stop the car , I stepped out of my car, holding an umbrella. She was completely drenched,mud all over her ,she was trying to clean herself. "I'm sorry" I said to her. She looked at me ,her eyes were dark brown and she had long black wavy hair.

"I don't need your fake apology" she said to me. This woman isn't innocent as she looks,I apologized to her and she was telling me that she doesn't need my fake apology! She again tried to clean herself, "I was already late and now I'm dirty because of you" she said "Well it wasn't on purpose, my driver was driving carefully and didn't you see the car coming" I said to her by rolling my eyes. She gave me a death glare and something was going on her mind.

Suddenly her phone rang "Your phone is ringing" I said to her "I know" she replied with annoyance. She answered the call quickly when she saw the name flashing on her phone."I was about to call you to inform you that, I'm going to get late because of rain" she said as she sighed "I will tell you everything when I reach to hospital" she said to the person on phone "Could you please handle everything for now?" she asked to that person "Thanks" she replied and then she had cut the call.

She looked at me , I was listening carefully to what she was saying to the person on phone. "I can drop you , if you want" I said to her "No thanks and I can't go to hospital with these dirty water and mud all over me, all thanks to you" she said with an annoyance "Okay then" I replied. She once again gave me a glare before leaving the place. I just wish I never that, I never meet this woman again. No one dares to talk to me in that tone whereas this woman talked. I went back to my car and my driver started to drive.

I, Aman Ahmed Khan a twenty-seven years old, CEO of Khan Industries.

Seventeen years ago, my parents had met with an accident and unfortunately my mum passed away from that accident but my dad survived. Since then my dad , grandfather and my grandmother took care of my younger brother, Sameer and I. Sameer was three years and I was ten years old when our mum passed away. But my dad, grandfather and my grandmother always tried their best to take care of Sameer and I.

I always obey my grandmother, she is the only woman in my life who matters a lot to me, I had only two important women in my life, my mum and my grandmother but unfortunately my mum passed away.

I came out of my thoughts, as I heard a knock on the door and I already knew who was knocking on the door. It was my secretary Mr. Iqbal. "Come in" I said, My secretary entered in my cabin with a big smile on his face "Good morning sir" he said ,"Good morning Iqbal" I replied to him.

I had given him a leave for two weeks, because his mother had a heart surgery. "How's Mrs.Asfaq doing?" I asked him with a concerned voice "Alhamdullilah, mum is recovering all thanks to the Almighty and to the doctor" he replied. I smiled at him , I smile rarely but when I do, I smile from the bottom of my heart. I respect Mrs.Asfaq from bottom of my heart. She used to babysit Sameer and I. "Thank you so much sir, for giving me a leave for two weeks" he said ,as I nodded at him. "I would love to meet the doctor" I said to him "Sure sir, when would you like to meet her?" he asked me "Tomorrow, in the evening" I replied to him "Okay sir" he replied.

Next day

I was waiting in my cabin, the doctor who had done the surgery of Mrs.Asfaq, agreed to meet me . "I'm going to thank the doctor from bottom of my heart" I said to myself and then I heard a knock on the door "Come in" I said. When the door opened I couldn't believe my eyes.

I hope chapter two was long enough 😅 do let me know your thoughts about Aman on the comment section and pls do vote 🥺

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