Chapter 4

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It was that woman whom I had met yesterday. What is she doing in my cabin. I looked at Iqbal furiously "Iqbal, what is this woman doing in my cabin?" I asked him. "I'm Doctor Muskan Rahman, I'm the one who had done the surgery of Mrs.Asfaq" she said to me. I looked at Iqbal as he nodded to me.

"I wished that I never met you, you don't even know how to accept an apology" I said to her "Wow! Because of your car dirt was all over me and you wanted me to accept your apology. Looks like someone's ego got hurt" she said to me. How dare she say that. My clenched my fist  and looked at her angrily, "Looks like your parents didn't teach you to accept one" I said to her with a smirk on my face. Tears were on her eyes, she clenched her fist, "My parents passed away before they could teach me to accept one" she said. The smirk on my face was already gone and my eyes turned moist as I heard her words.

She turned her back and went towards the elevator. I ran and grabbed her wrist, she looked at me with teary eyes "I am so sorry, I didn't know that..." I said but I didn't continue anymore. She freed her wrist from my grip and left from there. I went to my cabin and I saw Iqbal was still  standing there, staring at the ground. "Leave" I said to him with a cold voice ,he nodded and left from there.

How could I say such things to her. I shouldn't have dragged her parents.  I started to punch on the wall, venting out my anger, "Ya Allah,what should I do now." I said to myself.

Time lapse

I was in my bed, checking my emails. But I was lost in my thoughts of what had happened today. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. Grandma was standing there. "Grandma, please come in" I said. She sat on the bed. I kept my laptop aside and laid my head on her lap. "How was your day Aman" grandma asked, stroking my hair."Not good" I said as I sighed. "Why, did anything happen?" grandma asked with a concerned voice. I sat properly and told her whatever had happened from day one. "Aman, dear at least you are feeling guilty of what you said to her, you are regretting and you are admitting you did a mistake" grandma said caressing my cheeks. "But I have hurt her feeling and I understand her pain because I lost my mum but she lost both of her parents" I said, "You should apologize to her" grandma said. "Yes grandma, you are right, but how, I don't know where she lives nor do I have her number" I said, "Why don't you ask Iqbal, in which hospital she works" grandma said. "Yes grandma you are right but what if she doesn't accept my apology" I said. Grandma kept her hand on my chest, "If you apologize to her sincerely, she is going to accept it" grandma said with a smile on her face. I kissed her knuckles and hugged her. Grandma is the only person, who knows this side of mine.

One week later

I was on my desk, trying to relax for a while. The whole week was full of meetings and deals. I didn't get the chance to apologize to her. My phone started to ring, grandma was calling. I answered the call rapidly. "Assalamualaikum grandma" I greeted her. "Waalaikum salam Aman" grandma greeted back. "Aman when are you coming, it's already eleven o'clock" grandma asked with a concerned voice. "I will be back in a while, grandma why are you still awake, you should go to bed" I said. "How can I go to bed , before my grandson eats his dinner. You are coming right now and I don't want excuses" grandma said. "Okay grandma, I am coming" I said.

I came downstairs, after having a cold shower. I saw grandma was still waiting for me. I sat beside grandma, she was feeding me. Grandma always tried to give Sameer and I the love of a mother.

"Aman, may I ask you something" grandma asked with a hesitant voice, "Of course grandma, ask anything" I said. "Is there any girl in you life?" grandma asked. I looked at grandma amusingly, she had never asked this type question. I shook my head, "No grandma" I said. Grandma sighed with a relief. "Amam, tomorrow we are going to the girl's house " grandma said. "Aman we aren't forcing you at all, it all depends on you and her. Please just meet her once." grandma said. I had never thought about marriage. I could see hope on grandma's eyes. I can't deny my grandma at all. "Okay grandma, if you say so" I said. A smile made its way to grandma's lips. She was really happy. "Aman I can't describe how happy I am. It will depend on you and her, we won't force you at all." grandma said, assuring me. I smiled seeing my grandma's happiness, anything for grandma.

"By the way grandma, what's her name?" I asked. "Muskan Rahman" grandma replied. My eyes widen as I heard my grandma. "Is she a Cardiologist?" I asked, hoping the answer would be no. "Yes, she is a Cardiologist, how do you know" grandma replied. "No,no,no, this isn't happening." I said to my inner self. "Grandma, she is the, of whom I had told you that day" I said. "Really?" grandma asked, I nodded. Grandma caressed my cheek, "Aman, she is an understanding girl,she is going to forgive you" grandma said "Grandma do you know her" I asked grandma but she avoided my question. "Aman, dear it's already late, you should go to bed and after all tomorrow we gotta go to her house" grandma said, I nodded and went to my room. I didn't ask anything else. But why did grandma avoid my question?

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