Chapter 13

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"Chachu, you could have stayed for a few more days" I said to my chachu. "I wish we could but, you very well know that Fahad's exams are near"  chachu replied, I nodded. "Chachi I am going to miss you a lot" Muskan said as she hugged chachi, "I will miss you too my dear" chachi replied with a soft tone. "Faizan, we miss you a lot" Muskan said, "I will miss all of you a lot" Faizan said as he started to sob. Sameer and I hugged him tightly and Muskan looked at us with awe.

"Bye, Allah Hafez" we bidded, chachu, chachi and Faizan. As they went inside the airport.

"Bhai, can you please drop me at Aziz's (Sameer's best friend) place?" Sameer asked as we settled in the car. "Yeah, sure" I replied as I passed him a smile. "Thanks bhai" Sameer voiced.


I was driving back to home, today was a hectic day, with all the meetings and etc. I am exhausted! And now, only my jaan's smile and hug can make me feel better. Whilst I was driving, my eyes fell on the stall of jhumkas, the stall was placed in the opposite of the road.

Muskan had mentioned that she loves jhumkas. A smile spread on my face as I remembered it. Without wasting my time, I parked my car and went to the stall.

"Hello sir, how may I help you?" the owner of the stall asked, "Umm...can you show me the best jhumkas of your stall?" I replied. "Of course" he replied with a smile.

Few minutes later he placed the best jhumkas available in his stall and that's when I got confused. There were five different jhumkas infront of me and I have no idea which one my jaan is gonna like. I had noticed that she has different types of jhumkas but she doesn't have these ones yet. "Sir, these are the new and best jhumkas of our stall" the owner voiced. No wonder Muskan doesn't have these ones yet. "How many colors does each of the jhumka have?" I asked. "Five" he replied. "Okay then, I am gonna buy five of these jhumkas in every color" I said.

The owner looked at me amusingly, as his eyes widen. In the very next moment a big smile spread on his face and he started to pack the jhumkas.


I entered inside my room, Muskan was nowhere to be seen. I stepped into our walking closet and she wasn't there either. I hid the box of jhumkas inside my closet before Muskan gets to see them, after all I am going to surprise my wife.

I descended the stairs and no one was at the hall but then I heard giggles coming from the kitchen. I went towards the kitchen and saw grandma, Sameer and my beloved jaan. Muskan and grandma were cooking while Sameer was telling them jokes.

I leaned against the wall, my arms on my chest and was admiring my jaan. The inner child in me gets excited every time I see her. Allah has given me the best gift ever and that gift is my jaan.

If anyone ever tries to hurt my wife, then I swear to God . They will witness the worst side of mine, that no one has ever witnessed.

(Yes guys, this is the same Aman Ahmed Khan, who does cute and fluffy things for his wife 😌)

"Hey buddy, how was your day?" I voiced as Sameer came and stood beside me. "Good bhaiya and how was yours?" Sameer asked. "Good" I replied. "Bhai, can I tell you something?" Sameer asked, "Of course buddy" I replied with a smile.

"To be honest bhai...I won't say that, bhabi won in life. I would rather say that, you won in life. You know why? Because you got bhabi as your life partner." Sameer said with a smile, a soft smile spread on my face after hearing his words, he is right. Allah knows what good deed I did, to have Muskan as my better half. I glanced at my jaan, who was really invested in cooking while chatting with grandma. A beautiful smile dancing on her lips.


Muskan was standing in balcony. I went and hugged her from the back. My arms wrapped around her waist. Whilst I buried my face on her neck.

"So, was your day?" Muskan asked as she turned around. A beautiful smile dancing on her lips. Few of her hair strands covering her face. My fingers made its way to her face and I tucked her hair strands behind her ear. I then hugged her tightly, burying my face on her neck.

She then wrapped her arms around my neck, stroking my hair. Man, I can't describe how much I love her touch.

"It was quite hectic and to be honest I am exhausted but not anymore. Because my jaan's hug makes them vanish away." I said as I looked into her dark brown orbs. A smile formed on her face. "Oh! Close your eyes I have a surprise for you" I said excitedly. "Really! Okay" Muskan replied excitedly as she closed her eyes, I guided her to our dressing table.

"You may now open your eyes" I voiced. Muskan opened her eyes and a beautiful smile spread on her face. "Wow, are these jhumkas for me?" Muskan asked. "Umm...can you see any other person present in this room?" I asked with a smile. "Hey! That's my line" Muskan said as a giggle left her lips. We both started laughing.

"To be honest Aman, these jhumkas are so pretty and gorgeous" Muskan said, as she was checking them out. "Did you like them?" I asked, "Like? I loved them" Muskan replied.

"May I try them on you" I asked with a soft tone. A smile formed on her lips, she nodded and handed me the jhumka.

Hey guys! Hope y'all are doing well. So, how was the chapter? I am really sorry guys for disappearing everytime after updating 2 or 3 chapters 🫣. But I won't do it again 😤. From now on I will try my best to update every week (can't promise tho 🫣). Btw guys, Aman swore that, if anyone ever tries to hurt his wife, then, they are gonna witness the worst side of him. So, what do y'all think, is something gonna happen to Muskan? Well, who knows? Oh, I do...hehehe 😏. Please shower your love 🥹🫶🏻

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