Chapter 8

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Today is my wedding.I can't believe it, I am married to Aman. Our Nikkah/Akht and other functions were done last week.

I was in front of the mirror, dressed up in a beautiful red lehenga. I am officially Mrs. Aman Ahmed Khan.

"Ma'am, you look really pretty" my makeup artist said with a beautiful smile on her lip. "Thanks" that's all I could say in return. She nodded and left from there.

"Masha Allah...our Muskan looks so pretty" Afreen and Isha bhabi voiced.

Tears formed on my eyes, as I heard them. I went towards them and hugged them tightly.

"I am going to miss y'all a lot" I said with a soft tone. Isha bhabi caressed my back. "So will we" both of them said.

" C'mon we have to reach to the venue" Isha babhi said. I simply nodded.


I walked towards the stage and saw a figure standing there. It was Aman.

To be honest he was looking quite handsome...

We sat next to each other on the stage, laughters echoing everywhere. A smile formed on my lips, seeing people happy makes me happy.

"You look beautiful, wifey " Aman whispered on my ear. I looked at him amusingly, did he just call me 'Wifey' . I felt uncountable amount of butterflies in my stomach.

"What?" Aman asked. I tried to hide my heated cheeks. Then looked at him again. I shook my head, "Nothing" I said. He simply nodded.


I hugged my uncle and aunt, as tears were flowing on our cheeks. "I am going to miss all you a lot" I said with a soft tone. Uncle and aunt caressed my hair. "We will miss you too, dear" both of them said. I then hugged my sister-in-laws. "Take care Muski " Afreen bhabi said. Muski is my nickname. "You too bhabi." I said.

I then hugged my brothers. Ayan bhai, wiped the tears from my eyes. " Don't cry Muski, or else Aman is going to get scared and run away, assuming he saw a witch" Ayan bhai said with sarcasm. I glared at him. He then surrendered himself, "Okay. I apologize" Ayan bhai said, which made everyone giggle, including me. Ayan bhai always tries to make people smile.

Author's POV:

Whilst everyone were enjoying the sister and brother's cute moment, at that time Faizan went towards Aman and whispered on his ear.

"Aman, my sister has a soft heart. She forgives easily. That day I had overheard Muskan and your conversation. You were the one who had hurt her feelings that day. If by any chance I get to know, you have hurt her or her feelings again, then I swear...I am going to skin you alive."

Aman looked at him with a smile on his face. "I promise I will never hurt her nor her feelings and I will protect her for the rest of my life" Aman said.

Faizan then smiled at Aman in return and patted on Aman's shoulder. "Good, I hope you fulfill the promise too" Faizan said and Aman simply nodded

"And lastly remember...she grew up getting princess treatment so from now on it's your responsibility to treat her as a Queen " Faizan said. Aman smiled at him and nodded.

( End of Author's POV )

Aman's POV:

Muskan kept on crying and I felt an ache on my heart, I can't see her crying like this. I passed her some napkins. She then took the napkins and started wiping off her tears.

Our car stopped. I went,opened the door for her and offered her my hand. She accepted and kept her hand on mine.

We were at the entrance of our house. My grandparents, dad, Sameer, chachu, chachi , Fahad (Aman's cousin) and some of our relatives were waiting for us. They welcomed us with a smile dancing on there lips.

After so many years, the happiness of my family returned. A smile formed on Muskan's lips and I automatically smiled after seeing her smile.


I came back after attending an important call. "Aman, dear here you are. I was looking for you" grandma said. "I am sorry grandma. I was attending an important call" I said. A smile formed on grandma's lips. "It's okay dear. This necklace is for Muskan" grandma said.

My gaze fell upon the necklace. "Grandma, this is mum's necklace" I said. "Yes my dear. Your mum would always tell me that, when both of her sons gets married, she would gift her daughter-in-laws both of her necklace and she had chosen to gift this one to Muskan, so I am fulfilling her wish." grandma said. I nodded and took the necklace.

I took a deep breath before entering in my room. I opened the door and entered inside. But that's when I saw Muskan coming out of the closet. She was wearing a beautiful lavender dress/kameez. Her long black wavy hair was untied. She was looking so beautiful.

Once again my heart skipped a beat...

Both of our eyes met , there was an awkward silence between us. I went towards her and kept a distance between us.

"Umm...Muskan, this necklace is for you. It was my mum's wish that, she would gift you this necklace of her's" I said. Tears formed on her eyes. She then brushed her fingers across the necklace. "I wish, auntie could see her dreams come true" she said, a sigh left her lips.

She looked at me, "Thanks" she said with a soft tone. I simply nodded and passed her a smile.

I came out of the closet, after getting a cold shower. I had worn sweatpants .

My gaze fell upon Muskan, she was standing in front of the bed, with her folded arms.

She turned her back and froze on her place. Her gaze fixated on me. A smirk appeared on my lips. I went towards her and kept a little distance between us. I cleared my throat and that's when she came out of her thoughts.

"Are you alright?" I asked with a smirk on my lips. "Ye-yes I a-am alright" she said. "So wifey, do you prefer me with or without t-shirt?" I asked with a mischievous tone. She looked at me, her cheeks turning crimson.

Ya Allah! She looks so cute when she blushes!

"Aman! Are you pulling my leg?" she asked me with her arms wrapped around her. I pressed my lips trying my best to hide my smile "What! No, not at all." I said trying to act innocent. She rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, which side of the bed would you like to take?" she asked. "Any" I replied, "Are you sure?" she asked, I nodded. She then chose the left side of the bed.

Hey sweeties! I hope y'all liked this chapter ❤️. Finally they are now married 😭🤌🏻. Pls vote and comment, if you liked this chapter 🥺❤️.

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