Chapter 6

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I was in my balcony but this time I wasn't starring the moon. I was lost in my on thoughts. What should I do. My family is so happy, so is Aman's family. Should I say 'yes'  to this proposal? All this thoughts ran across my mind and that's when I heard a knock on my door.

"May I come in?" uncle asked, "Of course uncle, please come in" I said.

Uncle come and stood beside me. He then caressed my hair. "What happened dear? Is everything alright?" uncle asked with a concern. "Yes uncle, everything is alright. It's just that, I was thinking about this proposal" I said.

"Umm...dear, there's something I need to tell you" uncle said. Curiosity grew inside me.

There was a minute of silence between us. A sigh escaped uncle's lips.

"Anwar (Muskan's father), Ahmed and I were best friends." uncle said. My eyes widen as I heard my uncle. It knew each other.

"Three of us grew up together, we went into the same college. We were the popular trio of our college. Time flew and we got married. Faizan and Ayan was born, after that, Aman was born and one year later you were born. Anwar, Ahmed, Saima bhabi (Aman's mother), your aunt and I bought you up together." uncle said.

I listened, still on my place. I couldn't believe what I heard. Dad, uncle and Mr.Ahmed were best friends. They all bought me up together. How could I even remember all these I was so young. Tears formed on uncle's eyes, he then continued...

"We were all happy, all of you grew up together. Saima bhabi used to tell Anwar that, one day she would bring you to their house as the daughter-in-law of the Khan family and we all used to agree to her. Our friendship never broke. But one day Anwar was taking his last breaths.

"Abdul (Muskan's uncle) promise me that, you will educate my daughter and make her independent" Anwar said. Everyone were present there. Ahmed, Saima bhabi, Aman's grandparents and your aunt. "I promise you, Anwar...I will educate Muskan and make her independent." I said. "And promise me that you will get her married in a decent family when she grows up" Anwar said as tears formed on his eyes. Everyone started to cry, they couldn't hold their tears anymore and that's when Ahmed and Saima bhabi came towards Anwar and Ahmed placed his hands on Anwar's hand. "Anwar I promise you that...when Aman and Muskan are gonna grow up, we will get them married. Muskan was, is and will always be like a daughter to us." Ahmed said whilst Saima bhabi nodded while tears were forming on her eyes. Anwar then took his last breath and left us forever with a smile on his face. Knowing that, his daughter is going into good hands.

Ahmed and his family had moved to another city but our friendship never broke, we used to talk to each other every single day. We had decided to keep you and Aman away from each other. We were waiting for the perfect time to reveal all this to both of you. Few years later Saima bhabi passed away. Ahmed and his family came back to here.

Dear, we won't force you nor Aman into this marriage. Because both of your happiness matters. If you don't want to get married to Aman, then we are no one to force you. If you are happy, so are we. I am so sorry my dear, we kept you in dark all these years" uncle said as tears were flowing on his cheek.

I couldn't hold my tears anymore, I let them flow. I wiped the tears from my uncle's cheek.

"Uncle, please don't be sorry, you haven't done anything wrong and my dad left this world knowing I am going into good hands." I said. Uncle caressed my hair. " response is yes. I am ready to marry Aman" I said wiping my tears.

Uncle's eyes widen, "Are you su-sure" uncle asked. "I am hundred percent sure, uncle. You and aunt are the guardians of my life and till now  whatever decision you and aunt made were for my own good." I said.

A smile formed on uncle's lips, "Dear, I can't describe how happy I am. This was the last wish of Anwar." uncle said. "Uncle you taught me when I was young that, 'no matter what, a promise is a promise and we should fulfill it', you made a promise to dad and you fulfilled it and now only one promise is left." I said, uncle looked at me with a warm smile on his face, "Did you like his family?" uncle asked. "To be honest uncle...I loved his family. They are so sweet and loving " I said with a smile on my face. "And, how about Aman? Did you like him?" uncle asked. I looked at uncle amusingly. I didn't know what to say. I can't decide, wether to listen to my heart or to my mind! My heart says that, he is a good guy, whereas my mind says, he is rude and arrogant.

"Don't worry dear, you can give the answer to my question later" uncle said.

Uncle then caressed my cheek, "May Allah bless you with everything, my dear" uncle said.

"I should go and call Ahmed" uncle said, I simply nodded. Uncle then left the room.

Hey sweeties,  I hope y'all liked the chapter. If you liked the chapter, then please comment and vote 🥺❤️.

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