Chapter 3

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I was standing by my window, staring the moon and appreciating the beauty. My phone rang , Mr.Iqbal had called. I answered the call "Assalamualaikum Dr.Muskan" he greeted, I greeted him back "Is everything all right, Mr.Iqbal?" I asked, "Everything is fine doctor, I am extremely sorry for calling you at this time" he said "It's totally fine, how may I help you?" I asked him, "Doctor, my boss wants to meet you in person, he wants to thank you for doing the surgery of my mum without any complications" he said "Okay, why not. When should I come to meet him?" I asked him politely "He would like to meet you tomorrow in the evening" he replied "Okay no problem, send me the location of the place, I will be there" I said "Thank you doctor, for agreeing to meet" he said with a polite voice.

Next day

I was getting ready infront of my mirror,I wore a black simple Anarkali dress, applied a little bit of kohl on my eyes, some red lipstick on my lips and matching black bangles and lastly I did a low bun.

I was getting ready infront of my mirror,I wore a black simple Anarkali dress, applied a little bit of kohl on my eyes, some red lipstick on my lips and matching black bangles and lastly I did a low bun

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While getting ready I heard two people clear their throats. Isha bhabi and Afreen bhabi were standing infront of my room. I already knew, what they were thinking of. "Please come in" I said to both of them.

They entered in my room with a grin on their face and wiggling their brows. I sighed as I rolled my eyes. "Where are you going, miss Muskan?" Afreen babhi asked with a mischievous voice while Isha babhi chuckled. The relationship between my sister-in-laws and I is really deep, we share an understanding bond and tease each other at same time as well. "Do you both remember about my patient Mrs.Asfaq?" I asked them as both of them nodded. "Yesterday her son called me, and told me that his boss wants to meet me in person to thank me for doing Mrs.Asfaq's surgery without any complications" I said "He seems to be a nice person" Isha bhabi said as Afreen bhabi and I nodded. I picked up my purse and my phone and three of us went downstairs. I hugged my uncle and aunt "Mama/Mamu, mami I will be back in two hours" I said to both of them "Go carefully Allah Hafez" mama/mamu and mami told me as I nodded.

I stood infront of a tall building, it was written 'Khan Industries' , I heard a lot about this company. It's one the most famous and well ranked company in the whole county. I took a deep breath before entering the building. I saw Mr.Iqbal coming in my direction "Good evening ma'am" he greeted me "Good evening Mr.Iqbal" I greeted him back. "Thank you so much for coming" he told to me while taking me to his boss's cabin.

We stood infront of a perfectly polished wooden door, there was a name on it 'Aman Khan' was written on it. Mr.Iqbal knocked on the door and few seconds later we heard a voice "Come in" the person inside the cabin said "This seems to be a familiar voice" I said to myself. We entered in the cabin and I couldn't believe my eyes as I saw Mr.Iqbal's boss.

It's that same guy whom I had met yesterday. Both of our eyes widen when we saw each other. Mr Iqbal's smile faded away as he saw both of our facial expression. That man looked at Mr.Iqbal furiously, "Iqbal, why is this woman here ?" He asked Mr.Iqbal. "I am doctor Muskan Rahman, I'm the one who had done the surgery of Mrs.Asfaq", I said to him. He looked at Mr.Iqbal as he nodded at that man.

"I wished I never met you, you don't even know how to accept an apology" he said "Wow! Because of your car dirt was all over me and you wanted me to accept your apology. Looks like someone's ego got hurt" I said to him with not so polite voice. Mr.Iqbal looked at me with a shocked face and he started shaking his head and then I saw that man clenching his fist, he looked at me angrily and then he said something to me that I had never expected "Looks like your parents didn't teach you to accept one" he said to me with a smirk on his face.

My clenched my fist, tears were on my eyes ,I took a deep breath, "My parents passed away before they could teach me to accept one" I said to him. His eyes turned moist and the smirk on his face was already gone. I turned my back and started to walk away from his cabin, suddenly he grabbed my wrist and I looked at him, " I am so sorry, I didn't know that..." he said but he didn't continue anymore. I freed my wrist from his grip and went towards the elevator.

I came home crying, my eyes turned red. I came in the living room, my uncle, aunt, both of my brothers, Afreen bhabi and Isha bhabi saw me. Faizan bhai and Ayan bhai, (my second eldest brother) came running to me "Muskan what happened , why are you crying?" Faizan bhai and Ayan bhai asked me with a concerned voice, uncle, aunt , Isha bhabi and Afreen bhabi came running as well. I told them everything.

Faizan bhai became furious after listening to me. He is a short tempered person. He wanted to have informations about him so that he could go and beat him black and blue. But I didn't give him that much of information about that man, I don't want my family to get in trouble because of me. I convinced him and he calmed down meanwhile my uncle caressed my hair "Don't take his words to your heart, he doesn't know anything about our Muskan , the daughter of this house" my uncle said to me, I got emotional by his words. Ayan bhai tried to make me laugh, he is the funniest person in our family and eventually I laughed on his jokes. Isha babhi and Afreen babhi tried to cheer me up.Aunt cooked my favorite dishes.

I stood in my balcony, I enjoy staring the moon and the cold breeze hitting on my cheek. I haven't introduced myself properly.

I, Muskan Rahman a twenty-six years old , Cardiologist. Living with my uncle, aunt, both of my brothers and sister-in-laws. My mum passed away while giving birth to me. My dad, uncle and aunt were the ones who had raised me up but unfortunately my dad passed away when I was just four years old. After that, I lived with my uncle and aunt. They are my only family, my grandparents passed away before I was born, my dad was their only child.

My uncle and aunt raised me up with so much love and care, educated me, gave me a family and so much more. My brothers, what else can I say about them, I still remember that day , it was my first day at school, Faizan bhai was putting on my shoes, Ayan bhai was telling me his funny jokes, my aunt was braiding my hair and my uncle was so excited for my first day at school. My sister-in-laws are my partner in crime.

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