Chapter 9

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I was standing in front of the bed with my arms folded. Waiting for Aman to come. I wanted to know which side of the bed he would like to take. But that's when I heard the door of the closet crack open.

I turned my back and I froze on my place. Aman was shirtless. I could see his upper body. His broad shoulders, his chest, his abs, few of his hair strands were cascading on his forehead and lastly his veiny hands.

I must admit it. My husband is handsome and hot.

I was lost on thoughts but then Aman cleared his throat which made me come back from my thoughts.

"Are you alright?" Aman asked with a smirk on his lips. "Ye-yes, I a-am alright" I stammered. "So wifey, do you prefer me with or without t-shirt?" Aman asked with a mischievous tone. My cheeks turned crimson.

What wrong with him?!

"Aman! Are you pulling my leg?" I asked, my arms wrapped around me. "What! No, not at all" he replied trying to act innocent. I rolled my eyes in return.

"Anyways, which side of the bed would you like to take?" I asked, "Any" Aman replied. "Are you sure?" I asked, he nodded and I ended up choosing the left side.


There was am awkward silence between us. Neither of us could fall asleep. "Umm...Muskan, are you feeling comfortable?" Aman asked. "Yes" I replied.

"Aman, may I ask you a question?" I asked. "Yeah, sure" he replied. "Was there any girl in your life before me?" I asked out of curiosity. What doesn't he have? Looks, personality, family, reputation. He has everything.

Aman looked at me amusingly. Even though the lights were turned off, the moonlight was enough to see each other's face.

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked. "No, I never had any girl in my life before you."

I scoffed. "Aman, I ain't buying it." I said. "I am telling the truth." Aman said. "Really?" I asked, "Really." he replied. His eyes. They were screaming truth. "Alright, I believe you" I said.

"Anyways, it's quite late" Aman said. "Yeah, you are right and I am way too tired" I said.


Aman's POV:

I rested my head on the hardboard. I scanned my whole room and my wife was nowhere to be seen.

I walked towards the closet and the door was slightly open. I opened the door slowly and peeked my head inside.

My heart skipped a beat...

My wife was checking herself in the mirror. She wore a beautiful maroon sari and the necklace of my mum.

I was leaning against the door and was admiring her. But then Muskan looked at me and in the next second I lost my balance and fell down.

"Aman, are you alright?" Muskan asked with a concern while running towards me. I nodded and stood up. She sighed in relief.

"How am I looking?" Muskan asked.

Words aren't enough to describe how beautiful and precious she is.. Hold on, why am I acting as if I am already in love with her.

"Beautiful as always" I said with a smile on my face. "Oh, so you think I always look beautiful? she asked. I shook my head, "No, I don't think, I admire" I whispered on her ear, she blushed. "Umm...I am going downstairs, they must be waiting for us" she said and left the room.

I kept on staring at my wife until she disappeared from my sight.

I descended the stairs scanning the hallway and my gaze fell upon my wife. Who was chatting with my grandma and chachi. A beautiful smile was dancing on her lips.

After a while Sameer and Fahad came downstairs. We had our breakfast with the whole family.


"Bye bhabi, bye bhaiya" Muskan said, bidding her brothers and sister-in-laws. They had come to visit her.

"Hey bhai" Sameer and Fahad said, entering inside my study room. "What?" I asked with an annoyance, my gaze fixed on my laptop. "Bhai, we haven't done anything and you are already annoyed by us" Sameer said and Fahad nodded, agreeing to his statement. "Because I already know, both of you are going to make me annoyed" I said.

"Bhai, you still haven't answered to my question" Sameer said, wiggling his eyebrows. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "C'mon bhai, say nah." Sameer and Fahad said. "Guys, stop and leave" I said with a cold voice. "We ain't leaving unless you answer my question." Sameer said with his arms folded. "Fine! I think I have started to have feelings for her" I said. We do need some time to understand each other but I think I have started to like her.

"OMG! Finally, bhai is developing feelings for bhabi"  Sameer and Fahad said with cheering voice. A smile formed on my lips, my anger vanishes  away whenever I see them happy. "Shh" I whispered, pressing my index fingers on their lips. "Guys, shut up, what if Muskan hears" I whispered. "Oh c'mon bhai, she is your wife.     " But I can't describe how happy I am!" Sameer exclaimed and Fahad nodded excitedly. I shook my head looking at their childishness.


Muskan was standing at the balcony of our room. I  went towards her and stood beside her. She was gazing the stars. "Muskan...may I ask you a question?" I asked. "Yeah, sure" she replied.

"What are the things that, makes you happy?" I asked. She looked at me amusingly.

"Aman, is that even a question?   Anything makes me happy. Gazing the sky makes me happy. Seeing people happy makes me happy. Seeing my family happy, makes me happy. When I see my patients are recovering makes me happy. Flowers, chocolate, food makes me happy.  Whenever someone gifts me jumka, churi/ bangles or maybe even a gajra makes me happy. Anything makes me happy" Muskan said.

"Aman. Hello" Muskan said, waving her hand. "Yeah" I said coming back from my thought.

I think I am already in love with my wife.

"Anyways, what makes you happy?" she asked. "Me?" I asked. "Can you see any other person present in this room?" she asked, a beautiful smile dancing on her lips.

"Seeing my family happy makes me happy, cooking making me happy" I said. "Do you know how to cook?" Muskan asked. I nodded. " Wow, that's awesome! I love eating and you love cooking. We are indeed made for each other" she said, which made me giggle.

My wife is so cute.

" many hidden talents does my husband have?" Muskan asked. I heart skipped a beat. She called me "My husband".

"You will get to know by time" I said. "Okay" she said.

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