Chapter 12

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I entered at the hallway and greeted my grandpa, dad and chachu. I climbed the stairs and was about to enter inside my bedroom but then I heard my wife's voice, coming from my grandma's room. I walked towards my grandma's room, the door was open. Grandma, Fahad, Sameer and Muskan were present there.

Muskan, Sameer and Fahad bursted out laughing. "Aman, when did you come?" Grandma asked. Muskan, Sameer and Fahad looked at me. I entered inside the room and greeted my grandma. "A while ago" I said. Sameer, Fahad and my wife were looking at me. They again bursted out laughing.

"May I know the reason behind laughing so much?" I asked. "Bhai, you were so cute when you were a baby" Fahad said. I became confused but then grandma cleared my confusion. "They were looking at your childhood pictures and they came across a picture where you were covered in flour" grandma said with a smile on her face.

My gaze fell on my wife, who was trying her best not to laugh. "Now I understand why bhai loves to cook" Sameer said while giggling. They once again bursted out laughing, "Ouch, my stomach is hurting because of laughing too much" Fahad said, trying to stop his laughter. A smile formed on my face looking at their childishness.


"Aman, wanna watch a movie?" Muskan asked. "Of course" I replied. We settled on our bed and turned off the lights. "Which movie do you wanna watch?" Muskan asked. "I don't really know, why don't you choose." I replied. "Umm...okay, how about a bollywood movie?" Muskan asked. "Sounds good" I replied.

A movie started to play on her laptop. "By the way what's the name of the movie?" I asked. "Chennai Express" she replied. "Okay, who played it?" I asked. "Shahrukh Khan and Deepika Padukone. Both are my favorite actor and actress and Chennai Express is my favorite movie. I am sure you are gonna enjoy the movie" Muskan replied with excitement in her voice. A smile formed on my face. Man, I love listening to her.

"What's the trope of the movie?" I asked , "Fake dating" Muskan replied.

Muskan and I bursted out laughing when  Menamma kicked Rahul out of the bed. "Wow! This movie is full of comedy" I said, "I know right" Muskan replied.

"Aww!" Muskan exclaimed, she became emotional, because Rahul confessed that, he loves Menamma and finally Menamma's father announced that, he is gonna get Rahul and Menamma married.

"To be honest, l enjoyed the movie" I said, I turned my face and saw that, my jaan fell asleep. Her head resting on my shoulder. A smile formed on my face.

I turned off the laptop and kept it aside. I laid her down and pulled the comforter over her.


I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was that,  Muskan was hugging me while her face was buried in my neck, my arms wrapped around her waist.

Gosh! She looks so beautiful while sleeping.

I stepped out of the closet and saw my wifey was resting her head against the hardboard.

-"Good morning jaan"

-"Good morning"

-"I don't even remember when I had fallen asleep"

-"You fell asleep right after the song 'Lungi Dance' started"

Muskan chuckled, "Looks like Mr. Khan enjoyed the movie." Muskan said,  I chuckled, "I indeed enjoyed it." I said. "Anyways wifey, freshen up and come downstairs. Because today Chef Aman Ahmed Khan is gonna make the best dessert you have ever tried" I said. Muskan giggled.

Muskan descended from the bed and came towards me, she then wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waist. "So Chef Aman Ahmed Khan, the dessert better be tasty"  Muskan said, this time I giggled. "Of course, Mrs. Aman Ahmed Khan is gonna have a dessert made by me, so it has to be delicious and tasty" I replied as I rubbed my nose against her nose, which made her giggle.

"Bhai, this is so good" Fahad said. "Yes bhai, it's  delicious." Sameer said. I was waiting for Muskan to say something, I hope she liked it. "To be honest, it's really good and even if I ever I try it, I will never be able to make such delicious dessert" Muskan said. A smile formed on my face, "I am glad all of you liked it" I said, "Aman, dear you have to give me the recipe of this dessert." Chachi said, "Of course chachi, I will" I replied with a smile on my face.


Grandpa, grandma, Sameer, Fahad, Muskan and I were at the backyard of our house, chatting. "Bhaiya, bhabi,why don't both of you do race?" Sameer asked out of blue. "Okay" Muskan replied excitedly,  "Let's do then" I said

"I am on bhabi's side" Sameer said,  "I am on our daughter-in-law's side as well" grandpa said. "I am on my grandson's side" grandma said, "I am on bhaiya's side too" Fahad said. "Well, what's going on here?" chachu asked as he came to the backyard and chachi came as well.

"Dad, bhaiya and bhabi are going to do a race" Fahad said, "Well, I am on Aman's side then" chachu said, "And I am on Muskan's side" chachi said. "I am on my daughter's side" dad voiced. A smile formed on Muskan's lips

"Get, set, go!" Sameer said, Muskan and I started to run as we heard Sameer. I decided to slow down so that my jaan wins. Soon the race finished and as I planned, my jaan did win.

Sameer and Fahad looked at me with a grin on their face. "I knew my daughter would win" dad said. "In the history of the Khan family, finally someone has defeated bhaiya" Sameer said.  Laughter echoed in the backyard.

"To be honest, I don't wanna go back to Italy now. I am gonna miss all of you a lot" Fahad said, "We will miss you too, Fahad" Muskan said in a soft tone. "Yes, we are gonna miss you a lot" Sameer said. I went towards Fahad, hugged him and stoked his hair, "We will miss you, buddy" I said. A smile formed on his face, "And Fahad, we are gonna video call you, whenever we plan to do a prank on bhaiya" Sameer said, which made all three of us giggle, "For now focus on your studies, okay?" I said. "Okay bhaiya" Fahad replied with a smile dancing on his lips. "I gotta attend this call, I will be back now" Muskan said, I nodded and she left from the room.

"Bhaiya, you lost against bhabi on purpose, right?" Sameer asked, "Yes bhaiya, we noticed that, you had slowed down. Normally you run so fast, we never win against you" Fahad said. I smiled, "Yes, I lost on purpose" I said. "Aww! So cute" Sameer said, pulling my cheek. "This is being too much"  I said as I rolled my eyes, they giggled in return.

Hey guys! I hope you liked the chapter and I hope the chapter was long enough. Btw guys, why don't y'all suggest a couple name for Muskan and Aman? Please shower your love 😭🤍.


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