Chapter 10

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I entered in my room and my gaze fell on Muskan. She was packing her luggage. Is she going somewhere? Did something happen? I walked towards her and stood beside her. A smile formed on her face. "After Walima, the girl goes to her maternal's place and stays there for a few days." Muskan said. I reliefed in peace. Thank God. I thought something  had happen.

Today is our Walima. "Oh okay, do you any help?" I asked. She shook her head, "I am done packing" Muskan replied. It's been a week since we got married, I still don't have her number and I am feeling a little shy to ask her number...

"Wow! Aman Ahmed Khan, is feeling shy to ask his own wife's number." my inner self said to me.

"Give me your phone, I will save my number" Muskan said. I looked at her amusingly. How on earth does she get to know everything?! Does she read mind? "Aman..." Muskan said, waving her hand in front of me. "Ye-yes" I said. "Do you want my number or not?" she asked. "Yes, yes I do" I said.


"Muskan, are you alright?" I asked.  The cameraman was clicking our pictures. She nodded, "Yes, it's just that, I am feeling a little tired. Nothing else" she replied, with a beautiful smile on her face. Uff...this smile of my wife is gonna take my life someday!

"By the way, I am gonna miss you" I whispered on Muskan's ear. "So will I" she said smiling at me. Our eyes met each other. Her dark brown orbs, they were shining like a star. I don't even know, for how long we were staring each other but that's when a voice dragged both of us out of our thoughts. "Perfect"   "Sir and ma'am, stay like this" the cameraman said.


I was laying on bed, staring at the ceiling. Everyone went to their respective room and here I am. My room feels so quite without my wife. It hasn't even been 24 hours and I am already missing my wife so badly. How am I going to pass 3-4 days without her?

All this thoughts ran across my mind and that's when I remembered that, I have my wife's number. Without wasting my time, I grabbed my phone and dialed her number. Soon my call was answered.

"Hi Aman" Muskan said. "Hi wifey" I replied. "I hope I  didn't disturb you?" I asked. "No, not at all" Muskan replied. A sigh escaped my lips. " what are you doing?" I asked.

-"Gazing the stars and you?"

-"Staring the ceiling"

Muskan chuckled to my response. A smile formed on my lips.

"Good night Aman" Muskan said, "Good night wifey" I replied. We chatted for a really long time. I don't get bored to her talks at all. I can listen to her for the whole day and not get bored of her. Whether she talks about a thing that doesn't even make sense, I will listen to her without getting bored or annoyed.

My wife is giving me every reason to fall in love with her.

Just a month ago I wasn't believing in love or marriage and now look at me. It's just been a week since we got married and I have already fallen in love with my wife.

Her smile, her eyes, her lips, her laughter. Every thing about her is different from others.

Till now I thought, my brothers are the only members of our family, who can be naughty but I was completely wrong. My wife is way more naughtier than them. In this one week, they did so many pranks on me. But this time I didn't get pissed off at all. Sameer and Fahad were shocked after seeing this new side of mine. All thanks to my wifey.

Her smile, her laughter, vanishes my anger in a second. And lastly her hug. Her one hug can fix all of my problems.

I saved her number as 'jaan'. My jaan has made a very big difference, after coming to my life. She doesn't know how important she is to me and now I understand why my mum loved her do much.


My phone rang, I answered the call rapidly after seeing the name flashing on my phone. "Hi Aman" Muskan said. "Hi jaan" I replied in a soft tone. "Jaan? Is that a new nickname for me?" Muskan asked. "Yep" I replied with a proud voice. Muskan chuckled. "Anyways, good luck husband" Muskan said. "You remember?" I asked. "Duh, how can I forget it. Good luck for the deal" Muskan replied with a soft tone. "Thanks jaan" I said.

-"Bye Aman, my patients must be waiting for me and have a nice day"

-"Bye jaan, you too and take care."

Hey sweeties! Hope y'all like the chapter. Sorry today's chapter wasn't long enough. Please shower your love, if you liked the chapter 😭❤️.

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