Chapter 11

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I think I have started to fall in love with Aman and why won't I? He is different from everyone. Just like Taylor Swift said...

"In a world of boys, he's a gentleman"

My Aman is a gentleman in a world of boys. He makes my heart flutter everytime. He even gave me a nickname, jaan and to be honest...I loved it. He never fails to make me blush. His cuteness melts my heart.

Grandma and Sameer told me that, Aman would rarely smile, but nowadays he smiles a lot. Which made the members of our family shocked and happy as well. 

It's been 3 days and I miss my Aman but I am really happy to know that, I am going to see him tomorrow but sad at the same time because I am going to leave my family. 

"May I come in?" Aunt asked. "Of course mami, please come in" I replied. Aunt settled herself on the bed. "I hope I didn't disturb you, my dear?" Aunt asked. "No mami, not at all" I said with a smile on my face.

Aunt caressed my cheek, "Muskan, may I ask you a question?" Aunt asked. "Of course mami" I replied. "Muskan, are you happy with Aman and his family?" Aunt asked in a soft tone. I nodded, "Yes mami, I am happy with them. In fact I thank Allah for bringing Aman to my life." I said in a soft tone.

Tears formed on my aunt's eyes, "Alhamdulillah to hear that." Aunt said wiping her tears. I caressed my aunt's knuckles, "Mami, thank you for raising me up with love and care, for giving me the love of a mother. I don't know what I would do without you and mama/mamu." I said as tears were flowing on my cheeks, aunt wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"May I hug you, mami?" I asked my aunt. Aunt nodded. "Ma, can we join the hug as well?" Isha bhabi asked, Afreen bhabi was standing beside Isha bhabi. A smile formed on my face, "Is that something to ask? Of course! Come." Aunt said in a soft tone.

We broke the hug and aunt gave a kiss on three of our cheek.


"We are gonna miss you a lot Muski" Afreen bhabi said. "I will miss all of you too" I said. I then hugged my uncle and aunt.

I walked towards Aman. He came to pick me up directly from his office and gosh he was looking so handsome. He was wearing a blue suit, with a white shirt. Few of his hair strands cascading on his forehead.

"Shall we, wifey?" Aman asked, I nodded. He opened the front door of the car, I settled my myself in the car.

"Allah Hafez" aunt and uncle said. "Allah Hafez" I replied waving my hand, Isha bhabi, Afreen bhabi and Ayan bhaiya waved back. Faizan bhaiya got stuck in his office due to some work.

"I missed you a lot, jaan." Aman said, I chuckled. "I missed you too" I said, a beautiful smile formed on his lips.

Aman and I greeted our elders as we entered at the hallway. I then hugged grandma and chachi.

"By the way where's Sameer and Fahad, Aman told me that, they were missing me" I asked, "Sameer and Fahad are at the kitchen, baking a cake for you." Chachi replied. "Baking a cake?" I asked amusingly , chachi nodded with a beautiful smile dancing on her lips.

"Bhabi!" Sameer and Fahad voiced in an excitement. Our gaze fell on them. Both of them moved into the hallway, holding a cake "Bhabi, this cake is for you, we both baked it and bhabi we missed you a lot. Now that you are back we can do pranks on bhaiya again." Sameer said. Laughter echoed in the hallway, a smile formed on my face. I am really grateful for having such an amazing family.

Hey guys! I hope you liked the chapter. Sorry, the chapter is short but I will try my best to publish long chapters. Please shower your love 😭🤍

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