Chapter 7 date night

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Alex pov
Leah and I have just been chilling on the couch just talking it's around 3pm we've already eaten and have showered. I look at her and say "Le where are you taking me tonight?" She smirks "that would ruin the surprise, I just have to say be ready by 6" my eyes go wide "6! That's only 3 hours away" she smiles "you don't have to dress up or anything, wear something casual." I let out a sigh of relief which she looks at me and says "you don't have to dress up for me, your beautiful in whatever you wear" I smirk I want to push her buttons "what about a Spurs jersey" she sends me a quick glare before pinning me to the couch. She whispers lowly "you wouldn't dare." It sends a shiver down my spine which she smirks at before whispering again whilst holding my thigh "north London is red" I smirk at her "Le I know I just wanted to see if that got a rise out of you" she smirks "definitely got a rise out of me" she leans down and kisses me passionately, our lips finding a rhythm.we both fight for dominance but she ultimately wins. She moves from my lips and kisses to my ear and down to my jaw, my breath hitches which I feel her smirk against me. A fluttering feeling emerges in my stomach. She kisses all the way down my jaw and neck to my collar bone, causing me to let's out a soft little moan. She moves back up to my lips then pulls away. I breath out not realising I was holding my breath. I looks at her confused "why did you stop?" She smirks god that smirks kills me. "You wanted a reaction you got one" I look at her surprised as the fluttering feeling in any stomach doesn't go away "aw what? Leah are you being serious?" She smirks even more "deadly serious, you can wait till after the date" I sigh she just smiles and brings me into a sweet hug. She places her head in the crook of my neck. I whisper in her ear "you know Tottenham offered me 2x more then Arsenal did" I stop then start again "I know north London is red" I feel her smile against me. She mumbles into my neck it sends another shiver down my spine "you look better in red" she smirks noticing the power of her words and location "you look good in Arsenal kit but you would look better in my kit" I feel my face flush warm and tense up a little, she laughs at how I react "baby do my words really have that much of an effect on you?" I don't say anything so she takes that as a yes. We stay like that for a few more minutes until Leah's phone rings. She groans into my neck before moving away and grabbing her phone. She answers and puts it on speaker.

L-" hello?" She says almost sounding annoyed
B-"Leah! It's Beth, you alright?"
L- Leah sighs "yeah no I was just enjoying something, what's up?"
B-"oooo enjoying something or someone?"
L- Leah groans to my amusement "Beth shut up, what did you want?"
B- laughs "just wanted to see if you wanted to have dinner with viv and I"
L- smiles at me "nope don't wanna third wheel"
B- "aww come on I'll invite Alex"
L- laughs "sorry nope I have plans tonight"
B-"with Alex???"
L- looks at me "no she has plans with that Maddy girl, I'm catching up with mum"
B-"oh that's a shame are you jealous, is Maddy going to get the earful I got. Rip Maddy"
L-"really Beth? I know you didn't call for no reason you always text, I want to go back to watching my tv series"
B-" ugh fine you got me, I wanted to make it up to you for being a dick and kept purposefully making you jealous so hopefully Alex would realise your into her."
L-"yeah thanks but I have plans tonight"
B-"I don't think she relishes it but they way she looks at you is like there is love hearts in her eyes, how you have not caught on I don't know. Leah you really need to make your move and ask her out soon before someone scoops her up and takes her from you"
L- Leah smiles at me knowing Beth has no clue that we actually have a date tonight "I guess I'll try make her breakfast or something"
B-laughs "what will she get with that food poisoning?"
B-"yep jeez ok overstepped the line sorry"
L-"it's fine Alex seems really close with that Maddy girl so I don't know"
B-" that's why you need to shoot your shot before Maddy steals her from you"
L-"I guess I'll just have to see how she goes once she gets back from her hang out with Maddy. Hope she doesn't do anything to crazy"
B-"ok keep me updated just shoot your shot soon before it's to late"
L-"look at you giving relationship advice"
B-"haha alright I'll talk to you later see you at recovery tomorrow yeah?"
L-"alright bye" Leah hangs up
I just look at her and laugh she does as well "omg Beth has no clue I'm going on a date with you tonight and you've already made your move" Leah laughs it's contagious and so is her smile she is absolutely beautiful "she has no clue does she" we laugh a little more. I really think I'm falling for Leah Williamson. She breaks me out of my trace by laughing "what?" I looks at her confused "what do you mean?" She smiles "why are you looking at me like that?" "Like what?" She shakes her head "never mind" she just pulls me closer to her and I lay my head on her chest listening to her heart beat. I have never felt so relaxed, I now know for a fact I am falling. This is who I want to be phone then rings I look at Leah "I swear to god if that's Beth" I pick up the phone call and put it on speaker.

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