Chapter 5 talk with the tilly's

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Alex pov
It's roughly 7am and I'm so excited to go see Caitlin, Alanna and Mackenzie it feels like it's been too long. We have all agreed to meet at our favourite coffee shop around mid day. I trust these girls with my life and I have been needing to tell them about my family for ages.I get up and go down stairs I see Leah sitting at the table coffee in hand and bowl of cereal in front of her. She looks so peaceful. I walk up next to her as she turns to look at me " good morning Alex, when are you meeting your friends" I smile "morning , I'm meeting up with the girls around midday" she smiles "nice what do you want for breakfast?" I think for a second "do you have corn flakes?" She nods "yep I'll get you a bowl , sit down. So you want a coffee?" I sit down "um no thanks I'll have one later can I have a glass of water tho?" She smile "glass of water coming right up" I laugh at her enthusiasm.

Leah pov
I get a bowl of cereal out for Alex and get her a glass of water I want to make sure it's right. I hear her laugh. It makes me smile it's so bubbly. I still really don't know much about her. I wonder what her family like? She's meet my mum and niece over call and they loved her , Georgie was over the moon she got to meet her hero.I walk back to Alex with breakfast in hand and place in front of her. "Thanks Leah" she smiles "oh it's alright sorry if it's not much" she looks so sincere when se says "I'm just happy to be in a house that welcomes me, a roof over my head, water and living the football dream" I feel a smile forming on my face, this girl is amazing. I would be surprised if she doesn't have a partner.I sit down across from her "that's one of the sweetest things I've heard, for someone in there 20s your one of the most selfless people I've ever meet" she smiles a bit wider "I could say the same about you miss Williamson" I feel a slight tint of pink flush of my face but chose to ignore it. "Thank you" we eat in comfortable silence. After a bit we both finish and she looks at me and smiles "hey Leah your family where lovely to talk to can you thank them for me" I smile "of course they loved talking to you, one day I have to meet your family" her smile quickly drops "um" I realise I've hit a nerve "oh shit sorry I didn't realise I'm so sorry" she smiles slightly "it's alright don't apologise I just don't talk about my family often. I haven't told the media why but maybe towards the end of the season I will." She smiles a little more "don't worry I'll tell you before the media"I feel really guilty " you don't have to explain anything, not to the media, not to me" she smiles "I want to tell you , only people who know about my family are a people people from management on my old teams , Jonas knows a little and Beth knows it all. That's why we talked so long the other day" I slowly nod "what about your Australian teammates?" She sadly smiles "they don't even know that's what I'm going to talk about with Cait, Lani and Mack this arvo" I can't help but feel bad "I'm so sorry" I stand up as she's about to speak walk over to her who is still sting down and hug her from behind. She pats my shoulder a little "Leah it's fine don't worry" I let go "alright" I check the time "you got a couple of hours before you got to head off what are you going to do?" she smiles and stands "chill for a bit and then get ready" I smile, her smile is contagious "sounds like a plan" I go to turn her she stops me "you don't have to leave, while we wait let's get to know each other so it's not like we are living with strangers" she chuckles at the last part "I was going to ask the same thing for tonight, beat me to it" we both giggle for a bit and head up stairs to her room. Her outfit for the day neatly folded and put on her desk.
We both sit on the bed and she looks at me "your the captain of England so I obviously know a bit about you as a player but not as a person" I smile "I know you as one of the Australian superstars and the back bone of Everton, well not anymore" we both laugh. We just talk for a bit and she is so selfless and takes  care of others before herself. Every time she talks there is a small flutter in my chest. Crap I'm actually falling for my celebrity crush. We talk for a bit more and I just feel I can trust her she has that vibe. She looks at the clock and says "oh I got and hour and a half , still gotta have a shower and get ready. Is it alright if we finish this conversation later?" I can't help but feel a little disappointed but she has plans and I don't "yeah let's continue later but thanks really" I smile and go to exit the trim but she calls out "is it alright if I use your bathroom it's really nice" I laugh a bit "of course as I said go nuts I'll be downstairs if you need anything." She smiles and grabs her stuff I head downstairs as she walks to my room my ensuite.

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